- 17,129
I agree! When Newby disagrees with someone on this forum he...and a few others....like to bash people in a very unprofessional way. Must be a regional thing. And he doesn't realize that sometimes he's just plain old wrong. (Newby I'm only halfway serious, which means I'm halfway joking with you).
The only time I get rude with anyone is when someone comes on here and just starts recruiting newbies blatantly without adding anything of value. OR if someone blatantly misleads consumers to make sales.
Hoppy is doing both so he gets on my nerves a little. He may be fine and have good intentions but just not know any better or he may just be a jerk. The jury is still out on that.
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Once again you are wrong. NGL pays a 15% commission, it is not reduced. t.
Hoppy, if you can show me that you make 15% on the MULTI pay NGL product, I will give you a sincere apology. That is not how commissions on that product are even calculated. My point is the NGL mult-pay plans pay Way less than any other final expense company and most FMOs don't offer it due to that.
If you are talking about 15% on the single pay version then you need to get a better contract. That product pays 28% to agents on the best ages with 2% growth. You are giving up a lot to your upline if that is the case.
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You are wrong about the Medicaid thing! Why do you want to wait until they go onto Medicaid to try to sell something that won't get issued or they can't afford to pay for at that time. When you sell a funeral trust to an individual when they are healthy you are doing them a service! .
You don't wait until they are on Medicaid to sell the policy. You sell them a $10,000 or $15,000 policy today. If you insist on putting it in a trust, use the Settlers Estate Planning Trust.
If the person ever NEEDS to go on Medicaid they just sign it into a funeral trust when they meet with Medicaid. It's free. It's simple. And it's the right way to do it. AND it's the law in many states. It's better for the consumer and believe it or not, it's actually better for you too.
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I understand that they are losing their rights to change beneficiaries but that is ok because this policy is for their burial! I can't tell you how many people I talk to don't want to leave the money to their kids or a relative because they can't guarantee that they will be buried the way they want to be. In the final expense market too many of these individuals will just take the money, put the so called loved one away cheaply (not the way they wanted to be) and take the rest of the money. By assigning the policy to the Funeral home via Funeral Trust, these individuals can guarantee that they will get put away the way they want to.
Wrong again. You are guaranteeing nothing. Quite the opposite.
By assuming the policy to the funeral trust you MUST have the estate as the beneficiary. The children or next of kin are the ONLY ones who can make funeral decisions at the time of their death REGARDLESS of how the financials are set up.
If your $4,000 policy is assigned tobthe funeral trust and Mom dies, Junior just goes tobthe funeral home and donates her body to the body farm or a medical school and that makes the $4,000 go to her estate...which is Junior IF she never went on Medicaid.
If you sell the policy the right way and make the beneficiary a trusted friend NOT Junior and NOT the estate, Junior has no financial motivation to not use it for her burial because if he screws up, he won't get the money anyway.
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I do a very good job for my clients and make sure they understand what they are buying and why they are buying it.
Sorry but it's obvious that YOU don't know what you're doing so I'm certain your clients don't either.
Just quit the recruiting on the forum and I have no problem with what you do. This is a free exchange of information not your spider web.
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