Cold Calling Seniors

I especially like what you say if the prospect says no. "...when we meet, we can call and get you your very own copy..." That a very smoothe way of getting in to see them.
Yes, knowing your local market is everything. If I call up a senior and they tell me their Dr's name and if he is on the Summitt Group I bow out. There is no good way of replacing what they have and that is Cariten, which I'm speaking of the local Cariten group of Knoxville TN. Cariten was bailed by the Summitt Group and now all Summitt Group Dr's will only take MA Plans by Cariten and John Deere, but since John Deere has been brought out by United Health Group (go figure?) I'm not sure how that has effected this close system?

It they tell me they are on Tri Care I bow out, no sense its a no sale!

If they tell me they have a United Supplement I'm there in a flash! Good Company and all but they are a bit on the high side with premiums along with others such as Combine and others.

Yet I go in as generic as I can and use Supplements for the most part to market with when I do this. Some suggest that the idea of going from a Supplement sale to a MA plan if its a better fit is somewhat against CMS Rules? Sure if I have a problem with it which Mrs Flowers our Insurance Lady of Tennessee I guess I can always excuse myself for a moment and ask the senior to call my cell and ask me about MA plan and then walk back in the house with my MA applications? Seems a bit stupid to me?

Well, I have a copy with me, and when we meet, we can call and get you your very own copy, because you will need it to reference this year."

I go down to my local SS office and get copies for free and if they can't find their's are for some reason don't have one I just give them one. Something being with Sterling has taught me.
It seems like most of the older folks -- turning 85 already know about whats going on in the medicare market -- just from the news - and from all of the mail they have already gotten from every tom, dick and harry medicare supplement plan --- from my experience they would rather not sign up blindly ( thru the mail via company) -- but from someone sitting down with them explaining the whole shibang -- what i do when i call -- I ask if anyone has ever sat down with them to explain medicare? -- every time that is a No -- they havent. once that question is answered i just tell them i will be glad to sit down with them to go over their options and all of the information that has already been sent to them via mail -- once i am in with the appointment -- whether they want to go with a supplement or an advantage plan -- which part d plan would be best for them, add $5000 final expense and the continental care policy to either or ( sup or advantage plan) -- and they are all set... i have over 550 medicare eligible customers right now that i service ---
most of all when you see your seniors
KNOW YOUR PRODUCT and your competition --- and last bit of advise
be there for your customers - day and night...

hope that helps

maryjd123 said:
from my experience they would rather not sign up blindly ( thru the mail via company) -- but from someone sitting down with them explaining the whole shibang

Not trying to be argumentative, but how do you explain the fact that AARP probably writes more Med Supp business through United Healthcare than any carrier (no proof, just my assumption) and it's all done through the mail?

I personally write 95% of my Med Supp business through the mail. It can be done quite effectively. Of course, these aren't cold calls. They are leads. I don't think I'd want to attempt to do it cold calling.
Not trying to be argumentative, but how do you explain the fact that AARP probably writes more Med Supp business through United Healthcare than any carrier (no proof, just my assumption) and it's all done through the mail?

I'm just telling you my experience here in Wyoming -- yes i know we are in the middle of the nowhere counrtry in ebf ------ when someone has a question or concern they like the fact that i can either call or come over within a couple of minutes and answer there questions --- not one of my customers like to dial an 800 number and wait on hold to talk to the customer service representative on the other end -- thats my job - not theirs. Now i do have a couple of people that are in Rock Springs -- way up state -- that i have signed up via mail and phone -- but yet they still call me when they have a question instead of the 800 line...
to each his own :wink:
no argument coming from me

one question tho sman --- just for comparison from how i do things -- whenever you call your leads -- do you automatically send them the booklet and application and then call or do you go ahead and send them out and follow up the next week? -- I work with a couple different companies and everyone says to do it differently -- depending on what company. -- i personally like to do everything over the phone via computer... if not -- then i go see them and close the sale
maryjd123 said:
one question tho sman --- just for comparison from how i do things -- whenever you call your leads -- do you automatically send them the booklet and application and then call or do you go ahead and send them out and follow up the next week? -- I work with a couple different companies and everyone says to do it differently -- depending on what company. -- i personally like to do everything over the phone via computer... if not -- then i go see them and close the sale

I generally have all their info with the lead so I will email a quote and follow up with a phone call the same day. Sometimes I close it the same day, sometimes it's weeks or even months. I try and do everything with Med Supps over the phone and through the mail, but will go see them if it's the difference in making the sale or not. I had to go out on one yesterday for an MA plan. Didn't really want to, but the client wanted me to so I did. I never send a blank application to anyone. I always complete it over the phone and just put the "sign here" tabs where needed. If you send out a blank app, you're less likely to get it back.
The reason AARP is able to do it through the mail is: name recognition. Seniors love AARP. They do not love my agency--they have never heard of me. Thus I sign up most of them in person.
sman, you say you email your quotes first? I find that impossible to do--about 9/10 of my clients do not have email--6/10 don't have a computer.
perfectchoice said:
sman, you say you email your quotes first? I find that impossible to do--about 9/10 of my clients do not have email--6/10 don't have a computer.

No disrespect, but you can find it imposible all you like. My leads are INTERNET leads. They input their information along with their email address. I do not get a lead without an email address. I guess we just have different clientele.

you are right

i never send out blank enrollment forms --- i learned that early on -- never works -- even if they did fill it out -- either illegible -- or signed in the wrong place etc etc -- and less likely to fill out --
i guess thats one of the reasons i like Coventry for the freedom plan -- i sign up most of mine over the phone -- just type their info in the computer and its done -- for the final expense -- they call in to the company and that is done over the phone 3way -- and of course the continental care -- i do have to send that out to them -- hopefully somewhere in the future we will be able to sign them up a different way

yes aarp is all recognition --- but their rates go up really fast --- so switching them to either Lincoln heritage -- in wyoming the rates are lowest -- or mutual of omaha -- thats the main difference.... the question is
do they want just a recognition plan --- or a plan that you can count on with a rep in the local area to handle everything for them? that is what needs to be stated when making that call ---

sman said:
perfectchoice said:
sman, you say you email your quotes first? I find that impossible to do--about 9/10 of my clients do not have email--6/10 don't have a computer.

No disrespect, but you can find it imposible all you like. My leads are INTERNET leads. They input their information along with their email address. I do not get a lead without an email address. I guess we just have different clientele.

Good for you. I did not say it was impossible--just that I find it impossible with seniors in my area since I do not buy internet leads.

That is a good niche you have.