Colonial Life - Need Feedback from These Agents


New Member
If you are a current or former agent of Colonial Life selling the Medical Bridge product. I would like to know your experience positive or negative.

I've been approached by them to sell the Medical Bridge 3000 product and just wondering if there's any $$ to be made and what the company is like.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
There are tons and tons of threads on Colonial (and their evil twin, Aflac) so just search around.

I think the overall consensus of most agents here is that there is no money to be made with either of these carriers. I know that I didn't make much money when I wrote for Colonial... but YMMV.

The above is based on the concept of working in the worksite arena full-time. If you are going to be part of their "broker" program and take a split with one of their agents by opening up some of your existing book, that's a different story... you might make some "pin money"

I am a Colonial Life agent and my experience has been bad. I have had nothing but issues with this company. When I first started my DGA had me drinking the kool-aid telling me how it was such a good career then left the company to go work for Aflac a month later. They sent me to a training seminar that was ran by former Aflac employees. I was drinking the kool-aid till my ADM went with me to my first appointment. They were aware I was selling health insurance as well however my ADM kept pushing Colonial Life on the poor woman who just wanted time to decide if this was for her. Now the lady will not even return my calls. Then after the meeting he has not returned my calls and I have no contact with him.

Some people are successful with Aflac and Colonial however I recommend to avoid both.

Seems when something does not go an agents way they jump to Aflac work their till something pisses them off then just back to Colonial.:no:
Update to my post I have since got appointed as a GA with Aflac. This so far is the best way to do business I have found so far. I have two Aflac agents that work for me and I call them up and send them to my appointment with my agent. My agent deals with Major Medical, Life insurance and the Aflac agent discusses... well Aflac. When my agent sells policy's everything is normal as in my agent gets his cut, I get mine, and the carriers of the policy's get theirs. The Aflac agent makes money if and when the customers gets a Aflac policy. I also earn a very nice amount of commission on the Aflac policy considering no one in my company does any work. The Aflac agent is 100% under my control and I can remove him from the equation at anytime if I feel like its not a good fit. Another good thing about Aflac is lately I am finding myself getting meetings with customers that have no insurance and when they purchase a Aflac policy they get the IRS pretax form free. This is a major seller for them and has been good to me thus far.
Take a look at the MedBridge and ask yourself if you were an employer are you doing yourself any favors by buying this product for your worker to offset a high deductible health plan.If you were a worker would you contribute you hard earned to enroll in this plan.

It is not that great and Colonial--Unum are not that ethical in their worksite presentations.
Use common sense brother

This is about the most ignorant post I have ever read on this forum. The Medical Bridge policy allows the ER to get a higher deductible Major Med plan for less cash. They then buy the MB policy for a lot less $ than they save to make up the difference. It can be less than $5 PER WEEK. Not sure where you got your info. I sell this policy a lot and make HR reps look like hero's...
Update to my post I have since got appointed as a GA with Aflac. This so far is the best way to do business I have found so far. I have two Aflac agents that work for me and I call them up and send them to my appointment with my agent. My agent deals with Major Medical, Life insurance and the Aflac agent discusses... well Aflac. When my agent sells policy's everything is normal as in my agent gets his cut, I get mine, and the carriers of the policy's get theirs. The Aflac agent makes money if and when the customers gets a Aflac policy. I also earn a very nice amount of commission on the Aflac policy considering no one in my company does any work. The Aflac agent is 100% under my control and I can remove him from the equation at anytime if I feel like its not a good fit. Another good thing about Aflac is lately I am finding myself getting meetings with customers that have no insurance and when they purchase a Aflac policy they get the IRS pretax form free. This is a major seller for them and has been good to me thus far.

So avoid Aflac unless you can get a manager position and get other shmoes to do the work?