I have gone back to the beginning of this thread and pulled out the names/tags of all the people who seem to be similar victims of this situation.
Folks -- we need to band together!!
If you want to have a voice and be heard please contact the Wall Street Journal reporter Mark Maremont who interviewed my husband and me a couple weeks ago.
They are working on a story.
More voices need to be heard.
His email is [email protected]
His phone number is 617-306-0796.
My husband has been on a Facebook thread today and has spoken on the phone with 3 other victims who are NOT on this insurance forums thread.
We are compiling a list of victims and so far including us -- we have 10 parties from 7 different states.
Some stand to lose a lot, others not as much...but we all agree Citizens needs to be investigated/exposed and they need to take SOME kind of financial responsibility here.
We could band together and try to file a class action suit.
I don't even know how that works but we need to start somewhere.
If you are listed below please reach out to me ASAP via my email which is [email protected]:
David Nyman - Utah
Mary Combs - Rhode Island
Debbie Griffiths - Georgia
Steve R - Florida
BankersNC_Victim - Florida
Stephen Round - Connecticut