There are two forms in the letter. One form (Policy Cash Surrender Form) appears to be for a life insurance policy. On this form it asks who the insured is. This is the form that must be notarized. The second form says it is 'For Use with Annuities' and does not require notarization. Do I need to fill out both of these forms if I only have an annuity?
There are two forms in the letter. One form (Policy Cash Surrender Form) appears to be for a life insurance policy. On this form it asks who the insured is. This is the form that must be notarized. The second form says it is 'For Use with Annuities' and does not require notarization. Do I need to fill out both of these forms if I only have an annuity?
You only need to fill out the form for what product you have. But I would have either notarized.
What an incompetent group we are dealing with! The letter we received (only on the CBL portal) gave us the forms that we needed to fill out and very little additional information. I logged into the portal yesterday and there was a lot of additional information, including a multi-page document titled "Instructions for Policyholders". This document had detailed instructions on how to submit your annuity surrender forms - mail, FAX or download. Despite the great instructions given by a previous poster, I was unable to download the forms. I called and was told that downloading the files was not possible. I told them that I was just following the instructions from their document but was told those instructions are wrong. After waiting for years, it's just another delay.
Has anyone still not received paperwork in the mail? I was told mine was mailed out December 22nd
I suspect that letters were never mailed out. The only way I saw my 'letter' was by logging into the CBL portal. Has anyone actually received a letter by US mail?
What an incompetent group we are dealing with!
If I was a betting person, my guess is these are just temporary contract workers & have little to no experience because this is not a job with an insurance company, it is a temporary job with a low bidder company handling the 3rd party administration of a company. I could be wrong, but I am betting it is not a well oiled machine, just like what you see with any local business that goes bankrupt as all their good employees left, etc
Yes, I recevied my letters. Actually received 2 identical letters. Not sure why as i only have 1 policy. I sent it back by certified mail with return receipt on December 17 and got the return receipt this past Monday.
I got my letters Nov 23rd. Completed them and sent them back certified. According to CBL they have been processed. Was told originally 2-4 week to get checks. It's now been almost 8 weeks. Per CBL a few days ago no checks have been cut yet. Just a waiting game now.