Columbian's GI ...


How does it compare to the Presidential, UHL, MOO, or Americo GI product? UHL's GI issue is steeply priced and the 4 yr wait is a turn off. Americo's GI rates are on par with car payments. I have MOO but since I am not captive with them I can't use their GI product.

I have a couple that I may see next week. The husband may slide through under Monumental's graded but if I can beat their rates and keep him at no more than a 2 yr wait, I would be stoked. He'd be looking at $75 mth with Monumental's graded for 10k. He's 52. Numerous heart attacks, stents, strokes, diabetes and uses Oxygen at night. Anybody know what an Ohio rate would be with Columbian's GI in this case???

Even if this case doesn't work out, I would like to have a GI in my bag that doesn't carry a 3-4 yr wait for similar cases.
"How does it compare to the Presidential, UHL, MOO, or Americo GI product? UHL's GI issue is steeply priced and the 4 yr wait is a turn off. Americo's GI rates are on par with car payments. I have MOO but since I am not captive with them I can't use their GI product.

I have a couple that I may see next week. The husband may slide through under Monumental's graded but if I can beat their rates and keep him at no more than a 2 yr wait, I would be stoked. He'd be looking at $75 mth with Monumental's graded for 10k. He's 52. Numerous heart attacks, stents, strokes, diabetes and uses Oxygen at night. Anybody know what an Ohio rate would be with Columbian's GI in this case???

With CFG's MDO Product the rate would be $71.17/mo EFT, and with CML Senior Protector would be $44.55/mo EFT.

MDO GI is a 3 yr wait
Senior Protector is a 4 yr wait
I have never looked at UHL's product, but is it really a true GI? A true GI has no health questions.. Basically if you are breathing and can pay that is a true GI.

"How does it compare to the Presidential, UHL, MOO, or Americo GI product? UHL's GI issue is steeply priced and the 4 yr wait is a turn off. Americo's GI rates are on par with car payments. I have MOO but since I am not captive with them I can't use their GI product.

I have a couple that I may see next week. The husband may slide through under Monumental's graded but if I can beat their rates and keep him at no more than a 2 yr wait, I would be stoked. He'd be looking at $75 mth with Monumental's graded for 10k. He's 52. Numerous heart attacks, stents, strokes, diabetes and uses Oxygen at night. Anybody know what an Ohio rate would be with Columbian's GI in this case???

With CFG's MDO Product the rate would be $71.17/mo EFT, and with CML Senior Protector would be $44.55/mo EFT.

MDO GI is a 3 yr wait
Senior Protector is a 4 yr wait
"How does it compare to the Presidential, UHL, MOO, or Americo GI product? UHL's GI issue is steeply priced and the 4 yr wait is a turn off. Americo's GI rates are on par with car payments. I have MOO but since I am not captive with them I can't use their GI product.

I have a couple that I may see next week. The husband may slide through under Monumental's graded but if I can beat their rates and keep him at no more than a 2 yr wait, I would be stoked. He'd be looking at $75 mth with Monumental's graded for 10k. He's 52. Numerous heart attacks, stents, strokes, diabetes and uses Oxygen at night. Anybody know what an Ohio rate would be with Columbian's GI in this case???

With CFG's MDO Product the rate would be $71.17/mo EFT, and with CML Senior Protector would be $44.55/mo EFT.

MDO GI is a 3 yr wait
Senior Protector is a 4 yr wait

The MDO is 2 year. At least in CA. Same for Columbian Life
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I have never looked at UHL's product, but is it really a true GI? A true GI has no health questions.. Basically if you are breathing and can pay that is a true GI.

EDIT: This pertaining to the MDO -The app ask 0 questions. However, the rate card has a "not intended for" sentence. regarding confinement in in hospital nursing home etc.. or be terminal or intravenous drugs. F2F only. ages 25 - 75 The age 25 is a big plus to me.

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How is $42.63/mo for10K on a 52 male. 2yr ROP + Interest.
One Page App, No Health Q's. Age 50-80. 5k, 10k and 15k units.
(A-) AM Best Rated Insurer.

PM me and I will reply back with my contact info to get you set up. In most States, including NY.
How is $42.63/mo for10K on a 52 male. 2yr ROP + Interest.
One Page App, No Health Q's. Age 50-80. 5k, 10k and 15k units.
(A-) AM Best Rated Insurer.

PM me and I will reply back with my contact info to get you set up. In most States, including NY.

Which Company? Is it a group or Assoc. plan?

Which Company? Is it a group or Assoc. plan?


It is available through banks. The few agents that have it outside of the bank distribution keep a closed mouth on it. For fear of the average agent messing with the plan and killing the deal.

PM me and I can get you in touch with Non Bank Agency that appoints Sub-Agents.

Not a great commission, and 2 year charge backs on Death Claims. 100% first year and 50% second. You can see why nobody pushes the product because of the Charge back liability.
Chargebacks are fair, I'm ok with it. For two people on disb, prob 12-1400 mth total income in the house, the difference between 75 mth and 42 mth is huge. Not crazy about the wait, but I can see both sides..This may be the first GI I would have to use so going to the well too many times wouldn't be an issue.

I'm no expert on GI, but UHL may not be what most would call "True GI". I'm reading the exclusions right in front of me and they are:

No HIV/AIDS..Can't be confined to hospital, nursing home, receiving hospice or any type of home health care.

No drug abuse, or diagnosed with any illness that would result in death within 24 months.

Plus no power of attorney applications.

Is that typical with GI apps???
I'm reading the exclusions right in front of me and they are:

No HIV/AIDS..Can't be confined to hospital, nursing home, receiving hospice or any type of home health care.

No drug abuse, or diagnosed with any illness that would result in death within 24

Is that typical with GI apps???

Absolutely not. GI means EVERYONE qualifies. No exceptions. My Preneed policies are GI and ANY family member can sign up another POA or no POA.
I have never looked at UHL's product, but is it really a true GI? A true GI has no health questions.. Basically if you are breathing and can pay that is a true GI.

I have not looked at UHL GI product either. The contract is still on my desk waiting to be signed..

I have a client in his 40's issued MDO GI with CFG with HIV..Underwriter's response long as nothing happens to him in 3 years..:GEEK:
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