- 7,073
Ok, Maybe incensed is too strong. However I think I have now told you three times why I have said what I said. I can't make it any more plain than that and I am frustrated that you appear to totally ignore what I say each time I say it.What are you talking about?
I am not "incensed" I (as well as everyone else in here) have no idea what point youre trying to make about liability.. if I am not the AOR then it has absolutely nothing to do with me, there is no "implied agency" or whatever other nonsense you're on about.
Most agents will be out of PDP altogether at this point from what I am seeing (especially out of the bubble of this forum). They can keep their measly $4.17 a month.
I've defended you in here but man does it get hard to, do you go on other forums and tell people how to do their jobs there as well?
I have been criticized in another thread, relating to fraud, for making comments about insurance matters without an insurance license. I have been doing some interesting reading in Life and Health Exam review material about Implied and Apparent Authority of Agents, and representations and misrepresentations of Agents. Those kinds of things apply here as well.
Now I have as backdrop to this thread, ALL of the discussion about the way CMS is cracking down on the Part C and D sales environments.
As far as the planned behavior of two agents is concerned, all I have is their words in this thread for their planned actions. Please carefully reread those two sets of comments.
One just talks about an agent evaluation of plans. There is no mention of plan finder, one has no idea how best will be determined. Then he specifically says he will send the enrollee to the carrier, not to CMS where all plans are discussed.
Now, I do admit this may be remote in possibility, but the MB who knows squat about all this is going to see implied carrier authority to the agent and apparent authority based on the agent's credentials and experience. That will be nice if the MB has a good experience with the PDP. If the MB has a bad experience, in 2025, with the changed environments about agent representations to prospects, the MB could make some complaints somewhere that would be uncomfortable for the agent.
Contrast that with the steps planned by another agent who I know is long term and quite experience, who specifically talks about how he involves the MB, on the CMS platform, every step of the way and then lets them enroll or not, on the CMS platform.
Now, you can tell me that my interpretation is a stupid interpretation and the first agent doesn't really mean he is going to do exactly what he said. You don't know that, and I don't know that. I responded to posts as written.
I have also had some lectures, off forum, from an insurance agent about the amount of potential liability he was exposed to in taking the responsibility of doing business with me on an insurance product matter, so I know there is a significant and serious concern for agents about liability.
I just think agents need to be careful about their sales steps for PDP's this year and not just assume actions of past years will be ok this year just because they were ok last year. That kind of action traps me almost every time I try it.