Computer back up and recovery?

I have used SOS online backup, which I believe offers hipaa compliant back up. PC Magazine ranked them above other more well known providers.

Make sure you are cloning your hard drive(s). Simply backing up files is not enough. Even if you have catastrophic hard drive failure, putting files back in place and get the operating system back up and running like you had it could take days/weeks.

I agree that offsite and local is a good practice.
If I found that my financial professional stored my personal info in their kids dresser drawer... Id fire them in a heartbeat!

Not only is that weird, not only is that a HIPAA violation waiting to happen, but what happens when the kid is old enough to open drawers and finds it and thinks its a toy?

Use your next commission to go out and buy a fireproof safe, put it in your office or at the very least your own room. Good grief man.
Every business file of mine lives in my cloud account.

I have a "cloud folder" on my computer that is a mirror of my cloud account and auto-syncs with it. So any changes inside that work/cloud folder, are auto-synced on the actual cloud storage account.

Its super easy and no need to worry about manual backups (or added fees).

Then usually once per week, I do a manual backup of both windows and my cloud account on an encrypted ssd hard drive that is stored in a fireproof safe that is stored in a fireproof filing cabinet.
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And anyone who worries about "the cloud being hacked" needs to educate themselves on modern technology and the security related to it. Your personal computer or phone is much more likely to be hacked or compromised than a cloud account maintained by a multi-billion dollar company that has multiple teams of IT Security professionals.

Do any of us agents have a team of security professionals working 24/7 to secure our flash drives?

And many cloud providers encrypt the data. So if hackers do break in, they cant read what they stole.

That flash drive is much more likely to be lost or stolen. Is it encrypted? Or at least password protected? Major HIPAA violation if its not.

Also, flash drives are terrible storage devices to back up critical files. They are not as reliable as an actual hard drive and are more likely to fail. Spend an extra $100 and buy a quality ssd hard drive. jmo
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Here is an interesting video about security and hacking - - the whole talk is interesting, but the part that applies here starts at 37:00 thru 46:00 mark. "Hackers do not cause breaches...people do"
Every business file of mine lives in my cloud account.

I have a "cloud folder" on my computer that is a mirror of my cloud account and auto-syncs with it. So any changes inside that work/cloud folder, are auto-synced on the actual cloud storage account.

Its super easy and no need to worry about manual backups (or added fees).

Then usually once per week, I do a manual backup of both windows and my cloud account on an encrypted ssd hard drive that is stored in a fireproof safe that is stored in a fireproof filing cabinet.

Do you keep that safe in a closet in your kid's bedroom?:err:
Even if you have catastrophic hard drive failure, putting files back in place and get the operating system back up and running like you had it could take days/weeks.

Had one of those... yes it was a pain in the bottom side, but was able to get back up and running rather quickly after I installed a new computer. I'll never forget the feeling though when I realized I just fried a hard drive... cold sweat!