Confused About this ObamaCare...

You can believe I'm flat out wrong, you're entitled to your opinion, as am I. I welcome the professional discussion.

If you could give me one press release, one e-mail from an exec, one memo, one commission schedule from any major carrier ensuring commissions after 1/1/14 I'd happily recant my "commission isn't guaranteed past 1/1/14" statement. As far as I'm concerned, it's not guaranteed.

Considering the reductions we've seen, and the interactions I've had personally with carrier execs, I'd say that all signs point to reduced or non existent compensation.
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ray... correct you are... comp is in no way shape form or fashion guaranteed..... however, if comp is not allocated and allocated at what agents feel is fair we blow out, gone, see-ya, would not want to be ya..... if the feds have any hope of enacting Obamacare they can ONLY... and I mean ONLY do it through us, the indy health agent..

the sooner they see this as fact the sooner we in the indy community get behind this monster... and I don't mean mickey-mousing around saying we are important..... show us..... in the words of the movie Toby McGuire..... Show me the Money!! NOW
It's always possible, but think of how badly the economy will tank if all the health insurance agents are forced out into the job market at once. It won't be pretty.

I think we'll see a gradual reduction, after the low-producing agents are forced out, rather than a swift "firing."
Selling uninsurable health is going to be something new to me. And I have not been able to keep up with this Health Care reform because I read one thing and then another and they all say something different.
If they are going to be accepting individuals into Major Med plans who have pre existing conditions, then what will be the point of offering and selling these GI Indemity plans to unhealthy people.
Thanks, Confused.
Please someone explain to me in simple terms! LOL

Can anyone explain it to anyone is simple terms! Personally I doubt it.
Can anyone explain it to anyone is simple terms! Personally I doubt it.

The recent front-page story on WorkForce's website affirms Xrac's assumption that even explaining the Exchanges to employees will be a major hurdle to overcome in many situations. After the company explains their exchange options, employees will then need to delve into the murky world of subsidies and "metal" plans.

Article: Explaining the Exchanges to Employees Won't Be Easy | Featured Article -

LOL @ having businesses explain anything about the exchanges above and beyond passing out notices. I'm advising prospects and clients alike to avoid anything beyond passing out the notice to employees, unless they speak with an attorney first, in order to avoid legal situations.

What the article is suggesting goes above and beyond what navigators are allowed to do, and that's without having any type of certification.

Ummmm, no.