Continuing Education


New Member
Anyone have any recommendations on good CE classes that you took and actually got something out of?


Anyone have any recommendations on good CE classes that you took and actually got something out of? Thanks -KT

I know some that I got my state required credits out of. :yes: What you get out of any course of course depends upon what you know already. Something that may be very informative for me may be as boring as mud to someone else. Most of the course are going to be as basic as the regulators allow because the course providers want the largest number of people to buy their product. Most agents don't want something challenging they want something they can get done fast. At least that is my approach. The best place for CE is WebCE and you can get the classes discounted through Markingriffin (Rosenthal Financial Services).

This commercial paid for my Mark Rosenthal! Just kidding!!!!!!!!
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Anyone have any recommendations on good CE classes that you took and actually got something out of?



webce is the best. So I join up with them.

Rosenthal Financial Services

I'm not offering C.E. through webce and offering a big discount on their classes. I have vouchers for $13 a class if you use paypal and $10 a class if you mail me a check.
Email me for more details.
You could always take a cpcu class---self study----about 2 days to read book and half day to take test.....I think you get 12 hours ce credit for one class....then you get a designation after several years of doing this......

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