Correct Me If I'm Wrong, But...

Do you do used cars too? It might be worth referring out business you "have no interest in learning" about. Making sure your clients have competent advice and service about their coverage goes a long way in building a relationship that leads to referral after referral... More money, less E&O problems!

It's OCare. Nothing to explain. Everyone gets the same 10 EHB. I send them the link. They enroll. Done.
It's OCare. Nothing to explain. Everyone gets the same 10 EHB. I send them the link. They enroll. Done.

Is one of the 'essential' EHB's cataract surgery? The people on the Senior Forum are dying to know

And try telling someone whose doctor isn't in the Ambetter HMO network in Atlanta (pretty much everyone) that they are all the same.
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Yeah. But not very into selling health insurance. Have no interest in learning the ins and outs. If it comes across my desk, I'll sell it. Otherwise, I have no interest in selling it.

I'd rather get answers here.

Why would you post something publicly linked to your contact information in your signature that will forever be indexed on the web that you would never want a client to see or hear.

Just pass it on, tell him "Hey I'm not certified, government won't allow me to even speak to you about the plans, even over beers - nutty huh? Here call Bob Vineyard! " LMAO
Is one of the 'essential' EHB's cataract surgery? The people on the Senior Forum are dying to know

And try telling someone whose doctor isn't in the Ambetter HMO network in Atlanta (pretty much everyone) that they are all the same.

If they get an ambetter plan they are probably paying $3 a month...your lucky to have a plan Bonquisha. Send them the link with drs and have THEM look it up, for what 20$-25$ a member or whatever it is you can look it up on your own...I sent you the link
Get answers from people on the internet?
Personally, I would rather just do a Google search of the question and get the answer myself.

Let me google that for you

I find that the answers here are more accurate.


Why would you post something publicly linked to your contact information in your signature that will forever be indexed on the web that you would never want a client to see or hear.

Just pass it on, tell him "Hey I'm not certified, government won't allow me to even speak to you about the plans, even over beers - nutty huh? Here call Bob Vineyard! " LMAO

Who says I would never want a client to see and hear what I post?

Not sure where you are headed with this. Hope I answered your question.