Credit Issues

It wouldn't be cleared on Vector unless the insurance company told them to clear it off.

I know if I were an insurance company and you BK'd me...I wouldn't take it off!

Another thing that will get you is back taxes.
Sorry to intrude on your post OP, but I'm curious about some stuff here too.

My credit is pretty clean... but since I'm still legally married, will my husbands spending habits come into play?

If you were joint borrowers on a car and he failed to pay it then had it repo'd then they would likely count it against you just as any other creditor would. Same would go for credit cards, mortgages, etc. Insurance carriers don't care about spending, they care about paying back your bills on time. Charge offs, collections, bankruptcy, judgements...stuff like that are what concerns them. Unlike creditors, carriers don't typically care about debt to income, how much credit you have outstanding, income, etc.