Daytimer has a better like to post ratio and daytimer is cooler than Me and stop liking his posts

You have been a member 36 months with 1664 posts, which is more than 1 post per day. How do you have the time?
That's an impressive ratio for sure. Congrats! :)
:) favorite drummer?

If one thing is for sure, this forum is populated by a bunch of geezers. =)
You aren't even THAT old!

No one here would want to ruin Thedude's vibe. Most of us think you the cutest and funniest poster on the forum while at the same time we remain bewildered by your curious androgeny
Haha I forgot who called me the cutest but that was probably my favorite name I've been called besides the dud by spud city.

You have been a member 36 months with 1664 posts, which is more than 1 post per day. How do you have the time?

Most of my posts were in spurts. I also got into a lot of arguments back in the day and that can easily being 10+ posts a day. Add in sometimes I don't multi quote's not that far fetched. How much tv do you watch a day? I'm at a grand total of zero every day so it gives me time.
He makes the time. Thedude may be a millennial, but he/she ain't no slacker :cool:

You are an honorary millennial daytimer. I saw it in the millennial Snapchat video blog newsletter while I was drinking $6 coffee this morning.

Hahaha, you rang? Take a look at DayTimer's ratio. :yes:

Checking now !