Debit Agent - Killed In The Field . . .

The 17 an excellent hand gun. I have shot the Glock compacts and for me they are a little big and bulky for concealed carry. I want to be able to carry in my front pocket if I need to. Either the Kahr PM 9 or Kahr MK 40 allow me to do that.

Jacqueline's Kahr PM 9 is a 9mm.

Length O/A:
Height: 4.0"
Slide Width: .90"
Weight: Pistol 14 ounces empty and holds 7 rounds. Kahr's are renowned for their incredibly smooth trigger and quality workmanship.. It can be purchased for a little over $600 if you get a good deal.

If one can't put the bad guy down in 7 shots...

Wow, that Kahr is one small 9mm, haha.. I've been thinking about the Ruger SR9c for concealed carry, I've shot it a couple of times at the range, but haven't picked it up as of yet...
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I rarely, rarely, rarely carry the 26. It is a 9mm and I prefer the firepower of the .45 cal. My Glock 30 shoots way better than the Glock 26. The compact feels good to hold and doesn't feel too small, especially with the extension on the mag.

The 30 looks like a nice gun. I think I would like the grips.
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Wow, that Kahr is one small 9mm, haha.. I've been thinking about the Ruger SR9c for concealed carry, I've shot it a couple of times at the range, but haven't picked it up as of yet...
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I strongly suggest you look at the Kahr PM 9 or the Kahr MK 40 before making a purchase. The MK 40 is the same size pistol in 40 caliber only all stainless steel and weighs 23 oz.

If you add a Pierce Grip, a mag extension that comes down just low enough on the clip to add your little finger you will find that it fits your hand perfectly. Go to Kahr's website or to and take a look at them. The Kahr's are in a league all their own.
I strongly suggest you look at the Kahr PM 9 or the Kahr MK 40 before making a purchase. The MK 40 is the same size pistol in 40 caliber only all stainless steel and weighs 23 oz.

If you add a Pierce Grip, a mag extension that comes down just low enough on the clip to add your little finger you will find that it fits your hand perfectly. Go to Kahr's website or to and take a look at them. The Kahr's are in a league all their own.

Will do Frank...
tony the tulip saprano, gives a different meaning to, the name "nj debt agent"!!!!!.. just kidding...tony.... yes newark is bad news, it doesn't hurt that you look like a saprano
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tony the tulip saprano, gives a different meaning to, the name "nj debt agent"!!!!!.. just kidding...tony.... yes newark is bad news, it doesn't hurt that you look like a saprano

A saprano? That sounds like an ethnic slur "sap"rano. Methinks you should use "soprano." BTW David Letterman said the other night that Osama bin Laden was delayed on his way to hell---he had to go through Newark (NJ) first!
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Better for young ladies in white t-shirts.....
I haven't figured out how to carry a concealed super soaker yet though. They are a bit big.

I'll stick to my nerf guns.

In my debit-agent days, I was also a summons deliverer. It was a very exciting time (for a young guy) where you get to see the scum of the earth and the nicest people on earth, all in the same day.
I carry a gun on appointments.

DO any of you do this?

Is GA an open carry state, or did you obtain a permit to conceal? The image of an insurance agent with a semi-auto in a shoulder rig sounds awesome!

I'm in CA:goofy: where it is only politically correct for criminals to shoot people.
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sig in ankle holster, colt mustang in back, zip gun taped to left forearm when wearing long sleeves and a colt python custom 8" in the glove compartment. If the robbers over take me, exploding cigars and poison whiskey.

What?! No cyanide capsule in a false tooth? You're slipping
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