Delivery Notice


Several posts have mentioned a "delivery notice" that is left when doorknocking and people are not home. Could someone give me an explanation of what exactly it is?
If you sell Monumental you can order them off the Legacy SafeGuard site.
I just started leaving the delivery notice yesterday on doors I have knocked at least twice and nobody was home.

I left 4 so far and got 2 call backs and set the appointments. The call backs came in last night so that is why I set the appointments. If I would have still been in the field I wouldn't have answered but just went back to the house.
I am going to start ordering these and give them a try. Most of my internet leads are a hard nut to crack so now I am not even calling them instead just dropping in and they are local leads so this may work on all types. Last week I believe I had about 30 no answers and 10 DKs not home. This week was a bit better but I will add these in my mix. I have used them before with mixed results. Some have called back only to complain and thought it was

I think it matters what you put on it and if you get a call it helps to get an apt thus at least your are talking to a live person.

Anybody care to share what they put on the notice? Just a phone number and business name?