Do Agents Have to Do a Lot of Customer Service/issues?

thanks to the nice normal people who answered a simple question with intellect and politeness, unlike the children jerks and trolls who want to insult and put others down. "crazies gravitate to their own kind" is pretty disturbing. Anyone with that mentality is crazy/rude messed up and no, nice people are not crazy. crazy people tend to abuse or mistreat those who are nice or kind which is a problem for nice people.

Many people on this forum have serious issues but what do you expect from an internet forum--full of losers who have nothing better to do than put others down for no reason---thats the sign of a serious mental and moral defect...not the poster, the jerks and bullies..

I agree with Bill, that you may have to filter out who you sell policies to knowing they may or may not be a problem. I've noticed that with clients, though its sometimes hard to know who is going to end up being a problem. So far i'd say about a small percentage are problem clients but some can be major problems concerning taking up your time and other things. I had one lady emailing me daily for details about her policy, logins, passwords, she cant understand this or that--she did it not b/c she needed the info, it's b/c she knew i was nice and she knew that she could coax me and bother me daily and I would cave into her demands...customers aren't stupid- they know that agents are sales people and many are pretty honest and good people and they can take advantage of this...if i was a jerk none of those people would dare email me knowing i'd probably retaliate in some tactful way...which i really have no idea of doing with customers whose policies being kept are a necessity...

if chargebacks didn't occur, i would take more time and feel less stressed about getting back to people but customers are so impatient weird and fickleminded that one deviation from what they thought existed causes them to cancel or change their policy. The customers are a pain in the butt though and many just end up being jerks too. For me now sales only means more issues to deal with, customers to service. People calling me on my cell phone in the morning asking stupid questions about their policy. Customers this or that..yes the CS part is too hard to deal with..

coastaligns: sounds to me like you hate being an agent, why dont you change jobs...that's scary advice coming from dont know me or how i feel or what i like or don't like and that's just really rude. nice to know there are plenty of you creeps on this forum like vultures ready to attack anyone when the pack of rejects starts..the internet low lifes never stop their pathetic lame ways


for DHK's ignorant statement abotu me not being able to handle these clients or situations- most of the sales agents, can't even properly give plan information or quotes and have little customer service abilities, so that is a false and pathetic statement to make. Also a problem customer getting angry has nothing to do with me. its not my fault the ins company charged her when she was cancelled and most customers do not go nuts and threaten lawsuits over osmething like this. this woman was unstable and had issues so you need help in discerning what is happening and the situation at hand. I handle everything very well and many agetns will just take people's bank info and not even tell them what they're getting. think before you write more condescending bs garbage since u have nothing better to do with your meaningless time than be a jerk online which makes u a loser

Seems to me if you got rid of all your problem clients you wouldn't have any left. LOL
Seems to be an ongoing theme with many of the younger generation (and some middle aged politicians) Nothing is ever their fault. It is always the fault of the other person. Have been selling insurance for 44 years come July and have not had that many problem cases in my entire career.

Nothing is ever their fault. I literally got cursed to hell a few minutes ago because my clients electricity was shut off. How is this your insurance agents fault? She claims she never received her May bill in the mail, she asked me to email it which I did, she claims she didn't get it, thus she was unable to provide it to the light dept showing her monthly expenses to get a payment plan. By the way they give you a 10 day notice before the shut off so she had 10 days to do this and also I am sure she has other expenses beyond car insurance to provide them with.

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