Do I need to form an LLC?

If your an Independent Agent, all your licenses are under your name and you want to create a website for lead you need to contact your state's insurance dept to amend your licenses to have you "doing business as" your websites name or do i keep licenses the way they are?
Each entity, be it person or business should be licensed EXACTLY as the true name of the business or personas legal name is. Period. What you do with the insurance department varies by state and I suggest you call directly to your state and ask that question. We do business in many states, and many states do many things just a little different.
For anyone else wondering, it really doesn't cost much to acquire an LLC. We partner with LegalZoom and offer it for super cheap.

Really? It cost me around $1,500. That's a fair amount of scratch in my opinion.

Around $800 in mandatory minimum taxes, plus I had to pay the filing fees, plus I had to get e&o, plus I had to get the llc licensed.

Those are all legally required costs to setup the LLC here in California.

I smell bs in your post. Please explain to me how you could "offer it for super cheap." as you said.
Really? It cost me around $1,500. That's a fair amount of scratch in my opinion.

Around $800 in taxes, plus I had to pay the filing fees, plus I had to get e&o, plus I had to get the llc licensed.

Those are all legally required costs to setup the LLC here in California. Please explain to me how you could "offer it for super cheap." as you said.

$1,500 is a lot of money to be able to operate as a business?
You said, and I quote, "We partner with LegalZoom and offer it for super cheap".

Is $1,500 what you meant when you said super cheap?

Because you kind of come off as someone that is hanging around the site trying to take advantage of people and sell them a bill of goods.
You said, and I quote, "We partner with LegalZoom and offer it for super cheap".

Is $1,500 what you meant when you said super cheap?

Because you kind of come off as someone that is hanging around the site trying to take advantage of people and sell them a bill of goods.

Don't you have prospecting to do? I'm not doing anything against the rules - IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE AN LLC, AND IT DOES NOT COST MUCH TO GET SET UP.

Move on buddy. Thanks.
I've seen your type. Don't worry, we've seen your kind on this site before. We know what to do.

My kind? I've contributed to this forum for years as an actual insurance agent. When I opened this account, I messaged the forum to make sure I wouldn't be breaking any rules. I continue to contribute to this forum. I sold insurance for a decade and used this forum to gain wisdom from people that were more experienced. You're doing nothing but diluting this thread with garbage because you're sour about a business development company. Stop. Contribute. Thanks for all of your help. Good luck!
I think this could simply be a misunderstanding. So I looked up Cali for one of our member agencies and of course its wicked cheap... I think under a hundred bucks... So I was like ok fire it up... Never knew about the $800 and BAM! blindsided.

It's possible the legal setup is JUST for the $79 portion? Maybe when he says cheap, it really is... because THEY don't handle the mandatory $800 for LLC?

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