do you answer the phone on weekends?

It depends on what I’m doing when the phone rings, what game I’m watching, and/or how much I’ve had to drink. But, if I’m free, I might take the call, sometimes it’s free money! Sometimes it’s the nice people checking on my auto warranty. Other times, there’s nobody there bc it’s some dumb call center spamming numbers to see if they are active
No, voice mail is there for a reason... unless after listening it is a death claim, then I follow it up with an immediate response.

I'm their agent, not a family member.

Take your clients and add them to your contacts so that you can weed out calls. I use an icon for all my clients so that I can spot them immediately. However; in the FEX world those numbers change on a monthly basis. ;)
I also add clients into contacts.

I add a memory jogger in the contact so I can answer it with some familiarity. It scrolls across my screen as it rings.
Such as - *Robert 'Bob' Smith - Client - wf= Sue - ref' by Fred S @farmers - Sagicor GUL* "Sure I remember you Bob, Sagicor policy, right? How's Sue?"