DOES Anyone Know how Primerica Insurance Works??

Primerica is a great compay, however you need leads in the insurance business. They do not offer them. You also start at the lowest commisons avalibe in the industry 25%. If your looking for a real opertunity and you have a license. Check out Alpine Brokerage Group.

In your opinion what makes Primerica a great company?
Shalle just a word of caution. If you new it might be a good idea to read up on some of the Primerica post. There's quite a bit more to it as to if a person should contract with them. Basically it comes down to a business decision and comparing other options. For some people Primerica is just where they need to be. It's not just so easy as making a claim about a war clause.
OK Shelie,

What here do you disagree with? What here caused you to say I cared more about my pocket than my clients? BTW, I make 100 percent of my income from personal business. Zero off the backs of sub agents. All from my current book and referrals. People that know me, some for almost 30 years.

Put up Shelie,

They offer great products, there term plan is the only one I know of that does not have an act of war or terror clause. They are very competitive and A+ rated by everyone. However there business mod is flawed beyond repair as an Agent.

Many do not have an act of War clause. Some also do not have an act of war clause for disability waiver. Protective is one.

They are not competitive. At Std plus, preferred or preferred plus they are horribly non competitive. At standard they are less horrible.

Products? Like their 30(kinda) year term that is over priced and only guaranteed to year 20? Or the increasing price rider added to most policies?

They used to say ratings do not matter because companies bought them. Many A+ rated companies with much better products. I sell them.

Oh by the way, welcome to the forum. Many veteran agents here to learn from.

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Thanks Lee I see you seem to know some things. So who else offer this. You and I both know there market is for non med witch they are competitive. As a good agent ratings matter. But most agents like your self love their pocket more then there client. So glad to meet ya.


It means there products are good. But as an agent you have to sell friends and family, and recruit them as well. Once you run out of everyone you know. You will find yourself at Walmart exct. trying to recruit everyone. That way you can visit their warm market and get sales, jsut as your upline will do with you.

OK slick, I am in Monterey on my way to dinner so I will be back to you later. But know this I will match my ethics with you any day.

Have you sold PFS term?
Thanks Lee I see you seem to know some things. So who else offer this. You and I both know there market is for non med witch they are competitive. As a good agent ratings matter. But most agents like your self love their pocket more then there client. So glad to meet ya.


It means there products are good. But as an agent you have to sell friends and family, and recruit them as well. Once you run out of everyone you know. You will find yourself at Walmart exct. trying to recruit everyone. That way you can visit their warm market and get sales, jsut as your upline will do with you.


My wife was a Primerica RVP so I know the company well. Thanks for the advice.

How did your wife do is she still with primerica??
All this negativity I forgot to use the spell checker that is provided. However I will use your language hillbilly. Hey bud what u got there, is that one of them there fantcy suits? I bet you paid more then dollar for it.

I would really trust this guy for advice.....

Goodness. It is sad seeing you attempt to use the English language. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not your friends.
Life must be tough on you.
Poor fellow.
What do you mean by sold out? And how long did she work for them?

7 years and Sold her RVP and ownership. That is what you attain through there ownership exchange when the time comes. You also attain stock and many other advantages. However you are held captive and can not always help those who need it.


Goodness. It is sad seeing you attempt to use the English language. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not your friends.
Life must be tough on you.
Poor fellow.

I guess your right little buddy. It seems you know your English but thats not what we all need to worry about. This is an insurance form and it seems your more worried about my spelling and education then answering honest questions.
7 years and Sold her RVP and ownership. That is what you attain through there ownership exchange when the time comes. You also attain stock and many other advantages. However you are held captive and can not always help those

Oh ok so would your wife recommend anyone to go work for primerica? I might chose them over farmers but I thought id ask around and by the way thanks for taking the time evryone to answer my questions:)
Can anyone tell me what they know of Erie as far as P&C goes . My agency is looking at a merger with another independent agency in Feb . Are they competitive with Farm Bureau we are in TN and Farm Bureau is out main competition . I am fairly New agent looking for some input from some seasoned vets. Thank you love this forum great information here and helpful people