For many years, smokers around the world have noticed an interesting phenomenon. Its essence is that many people do not get a "parish" by smoking marijuana for the first time. Even if you smoked very high-quality cones. Perhaps novice smokers have yet to "learn" how to feel the effects of cannabis. Many experienced stoners recall that the first times they felt almost nothing. Some experience " arrival" only for the fifth time! I also managed to feel calm only from 3-4 times. My friends and I decided to try it and only one of them could get high. Then it was a joke, but today it's my assistant. I've had chronic muscle aches and fatigue, which the usual painkillers don't really help and poison me, which is even worse. By trial and error, I decided on one brand, in particular, called Bulk Weed & Shatter Delivery Canada and completely satisfied with their quality products.