Drive to Defund Obamacare Divides Republicans

In the last budget deal, what came out of it was the unlimited clawback on subsidies for those over 400% FPL. Before the fiscal cliff deal, it was capped. We could see more of the same in lower brackets
Who knows? I believe the subsidy is the biggest cost component. I just read on another site they're recessing for 5 weeks? If they really wanted to do something they'd give up their vacation. But if they could alter it so people have to pay more than the 8% to 9% of their income, it probably would fail real quick.
In the last budget deal, what came out of it was the unlimited clawback on subsidies for those over 400% FPL. Before the fiscal cliff deal, it was capped. We could see more of the same in lower brackets

Good info. Didn't know that. Since lower income folks network with each other even more so than the well-heeled, they will learn quickly how to "game" the system. Get $6,000 in subsidies, but only have to pay back $600 for lying. The big evil insurers have to cover the difference. What a bargain!
If subsidies are the biggest cost component, obviously they're just going to make insurers lower premium so that it's more affordable. They've done it in every state so far, they just have to go back and make them a bit lower.

Can't make people pay more, can't make them earn more, and there will be quite an uproar if the subsides were scaled back creating increased premiums.