Easiest Product to Sell by Web Link?


New Member
I would be curious to hear your experiences with specific product lines and/or specific carriers that are easy to sell by an agent link. What I'd like to do is send out emails and have the client be able to click my specific agent link and complete the entire process themselves, noting my contact information in the text of the email should assistance be needed. I would ideally like no paper to be involved in the process.

I used to do this with individual health although one main carrier has left my state (CA) and the other one I most frequently used has an agent link with major tech issues now. I am P&C as well as L&H licensed and am open to considering all product lines with a streamlined agent specific link. I'm already covered on ways to use the net to get people to me or drive traffic...what I want now are good carriers that have an individual link that's easy for clients to complete themselves. Thoughts? Experience?

A general discussion might be useful for others so feel free to give your experience, but I'm in CA so will mainly be using carriers who do business here.
My best experience using an agent link is with Assurant Health. Really simple and easy.