EFES or Securus in Pittsburgh Area

The guy that knows everything. I do have to give you credit in some of your comments but when you tear other individuals down by bashing them I have to speak up. Remember JD just because your track record want equal others does not mean that all the others are crooked. It means you just don't want it as bad as the more successful individuals. It's okay that you are not as good as you think you are. Go to work and let your track record do the talking not your mouth. You got a lot of work to do!!!!

I didn't tear anyone down. Anyone that gets torn down deserved what happened to them. If one rogue agent were to complain about any company the masses would come to the defense if it was wrong. No one comes to the defense of LH except for the guilty.

You have shown yourself time and time again to be a complete fool. You don't do your company any favors by defending them. In fact, your being associated with them makes their image even worse. You are the poster child for the LH recruiter.

All one has to do to recruit against LH is show them your posts and ask them if this is the kind of person they would want to work for.
Took your advice but now that I am awake again this morning, you don't have any more credibility in the light of day.

Seriously! Nobody challenges Rouse to a sleeping/napping contest...he'll win every time.

I've created a timeline of Rouse's day:

:SLEEP: :chatterbox: :SLEEP: :wubclub: :bump: :cute: :SLEEP: :dull: :idea: :SLEEP: