EFES or Securus in Pittsburgh Area

b61mack said:
So for 2 and 3 dollars a month. You started your clients 2 year, contestabilty period all over again? Once the client finds that out, you will loss them back to LH.

No it's not worth 2-3 dollars a month. You obviously weren't paying attention. Comeback when you wake up...
So for 2 and 3 dollars a month. You started your clients 2 year, contestabilty period all over again? Once the client finds that out, you will loss them back to LH.

As otherds have said, that's not the case in Ky. But when I replace in Indiana I carefully go over the new contestability and have to have anyone that was concerned about that as long as it's explained.
Senior Advisor, I am not looking for a pissing contest, but please explain what i missed?. You replaced a policy, saved the client 3 dollars a month. But they start a new 2 year contestability period. What am i missing? If the client dies next month, oh well you did get back 800 dollars +3.00. It also looks like LH's rates are not that much off. And for the extra 3.00 they got the funeral consumer guardian society, i think stand alone it is about 7.00 a month.
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Senior Advisor, I am not looking for a pissing contest, but please explain what i missed?. You replaced a policy, saved the client 3 dollars a month. But they start a new 2 year contestability period. What am i missing? If the client dies next month, oh well you did get back 800 dollars +3.00. It also looks like LH's rates are not that much off. And for the extra 3.00 they got the funeral consumer guardian society, i think stand alone it is about 7.00 a month.

Are you talking to me? If so, the person has immediate coverage, no new contestable period and $800 in his pocket.

Plus he is paying less. How you could cheerlead for LH's rates is beyond reason. The guy is 5 years older than when he took out the LH and he can still pay less today.
Senior Advisor, I am not looking for a pissing contest, but please explain what i missed?. You replaced a policy, saved the client 3 dollars a month. But they start a new 2 year contestability period. What am i missing? If the client dies next month, oh well you did get back 800 dollars +3.00. It also looks like LH's rates are not that much off. And for the extra 3.00 they got the funeral consumer guardian society, i think stand alone it is about 7.00 a month.

Obviously, you believe in the product you are selling. But if after 5 years it can be replaced for $3 dollars less and a pretty good CV it is on the high side. Agents that have multiple carriers are a little more sensitive to the cost/benefits issues with seniors which is why we choose not to be captive agents.

Can I sell a high priced product? Sure can, but could I look at myself in the mirror every morning? No. I treat everyone of my clients like my parents.
Obviously bmack has some comprehension problems. You are confusing jd's post and mine. But anyway like others have posted, the policies are 4-5 years old. You are comparing the price as if they just bought LH. Yes it does start a new contestibility period but that is ok with this client. She is in good health an can answer all question honestly.
So what you are stating is you always have the very best policy in America for all your clients? In the morning when you look at yourself in the mirror you may see a liar. I forgot you are in the charity business.
So what you are stating is you always have the very best policy in America for all your clients? In the morning when you look at yourself in the mirror you may see a liar. I forgot you are in the charity business.

He never stated that he always sells the very best and you know he didn't. He is saying that there are a multitude of companies cheaper than LH, so why would he even want to, especially in a price-sensitive market?

You're just trying to justify selling Lincoln Heritage with useless babble.
MGA said:
So what you are stating is you always have the very best policy in America for all your clients? In the morning when you look at yourself in the mirror you may see a liar. I forgot you are in the charity business.

You go in knowing that you are over charging everyone and limit yourself to just one company. It's not a huge deal to be the cheapest but damn, LH is way up there and you know it. You obviously can't make it on your own or you would be elsewhere.