Emails Going to Clients.....

More info on emails going out....

After calling it seems that a few things are happening that Agents/Insured need to be aware of.

1) Emails and letters are going out indiscriminately if they had info come back requesting proof of income or citizenship.

As a taxpayer...can you imagine how much money that's costing just for mailing (repeatedly) info requests when it wasn't necessary in the first place?

2) The magic "Submit"/"Submitted' and "Verified" buttons. The first 2 work as advertised, however the "Verified" will NEVER (at least during this first OE) be seen. Instead the insured receive a letter stating that the information was processed and verified. The letter goes on to say that you will not see a change in your marketplace account and that the consumer should not worry about that at this time. The letter supersedes any information on the website.

This concludes this daily share of data regarding