Enroll America Wants Your Job

And NBA fans fit key demographics targeted by supporters of the health law.

"You just can't be a smoker and be obese or heavy … and be a basketball player. These folks are kind of the picture of youth and health, and in some ways, that's the target audience," said Jon Kingsdale, appointed by then-Gov. Mitt Romney in 2006 to oversee the implementation of the Massachusetts health law — which got a big messaging boost from the Boston Red Sox.

So many things wrong with that article, starting with the implied racism, followed by the ignorance of how much pot the players smoke.
Racism is unfounded, demographics have science. All the claims in that article are congruent with data, and they didn't even mention race.

Also, marijuana users or not, players are far healthier than average. You wouldn't care if a cigarette smoking celebrity endorsed it, so why does it matter if a (healthier, athlete) marijuana user may be associated with it?

At the end of the day, it's a good fit for what they're trying to accomplish.
Are you agents ready to make this law work? Are we going to show HHS the value of a licensed/insured/experienced agent? We all must show our worth, and not let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us, or they might just cut us off. And it looks like they will REALLY need us now that NAV training is 2 months behind schedule

GAO sees exchange helper program delays | LifeHealthPro
Are you agents ready to make this law work? Are we going to show HHS the value of a licensed/insured/experienced agent? We all must show our worth, and not let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us, or they might just cut us off. And it looks like they will REALLY need us now that NAV training is 2 months behind schedule

GAO sees exchange helper program delays | LifeHealthPro

Well...again bill I will only make this work if I can get paid what I expect to make... Otherwise I will just keep peddling Medicare
This whole enroll America thing reminds me of how once a year all this big shot companies go down to Galveston don their respective company t-shirts and pick up trash for a few hours. It makes the headlines on the evening news ....how sweet. What about the other 364 days does nobody else pick up trash? Not hardly they contract with trash companies to deal with it year round. The bulk of the work will be done by those who make a living doing it. Charity is fine and noble but it cannot be a substitute for tried and true proven producers. This is applicable to every facet of life...if you want more reward more ....if you want less reward less.