You certainly put yourself on a pedestal. You have no idea how I conduct business and what I have told my customers. You have ascertained I am a liar, thief and scoundrel from a simple conversation. You assume that there is no place for the products I sell and that you are the only one entitled to an opinion. Billions of dollars are sold each year in the same products I choose to sell. I explained why they are suitable to those I sell them to and I also explained that I sell a variety of annuities. This particular discussion was about FIA's which you obviously think are not a good product. We disagree, but you could not contain yourself without making your typical personal attacks.
As I said, I meet with all of my clients each year and explain the Indexing Strategies and the choices they have. Because of their fear of the markets and economic uncertainty they generally choose to remain in the Fixed Account. I don't know how to explain it to you so you understand that I do educate my customers, but their choice is typically not to move out of the Fixed Account. Am I doing a poor job by not trying to get them to move into a Fixed Strategy? It is my job to inform them, not coerce them, but they understand they have the choice which is something they do not have in a Fixed Interest Only Annuity.
I sincerely doubt any of my customers would choose to work with or trust an arrogant and pompous ass such as yourself, but give it a shot if you would like.
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Exactly P. FIA's offer strategic choices, FA's, don't, but at the end of the day they are a Savings Vehicle, not an investment.
I just can't figure out why you would use a FIA over a FA, if you're not going to use the FIA for what it was intended for and the client will make less money. I don't doubt that you explain things to your clients. I'd bet anything you wouldn't do it with a regulator in the room, though.
If you come here and admit to doing things that are so blatantly out of line, don't be so shocked that you are called on it.
Also, it's funny that Al3 chimes in. I called him out on giving investment advice on his website and he has removed that material from the site. He should be thanking me for keeping him out of trouble and you should be thankful, too.
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Which fixed product has over 7% for ten years?
Figure it out for yourself, rookie.
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