I love commissions and I'm in business to make money. I know you can be commission driven and concerned for the customer, at the same time. In your case, I think you step over the line. You are misleading people about what to do with their money. Do you let them know that if they do "indexing", they will have ZERO money in the stock market? Do you explain to them that they will make more money in a fixed annuity? How would you explain yourself in open court? Aren't you afraid that someone like me will meet your client and explain what you have done? You should be.
Guys like you are the reason that the regulators use to justify making these things securities. Nice job.
I work annuities mostly as a sideline, and have sold fdas' and IAs'. Are there any that you prefer for a customer whose primary focus is preservation of principle but somewhat flexible on the penalty phase? I've sold mostly Allianz and AIG.
One further note in regard to what you've posted above, how would regulation of EIAs' prevent agents from slamming customers? Many stock brokers slam customers into poor performing stocks to make money quickly, buying and selling in short time frames, costing their customers huge $$. Many are pure salesman, with no intention of giving sound investment advice and don't even attempt it.