Everything you need to know about Ben Boman...

Well, now I will have to brag on Ben. I ordered the Sales Kit. One of his rebuttals for I want to talk to my kids is among the best I have seen. I like to be direct and to the point and will make use of this one:

Ø "Let me ask you, Mrs. Jones would you think about calling your son or daughter tonight and ask them for $5,000.00? Of course not, but you know what would be bad is if perhaps you had a stroke and died tonight, and someone else called and said, "Susie your father/mother died tonight, and by the way, we need $5,000.00." Now, Mrs. Jones, I know that you're a proud mother, and you would not want that to happen, and surely if your child dies first you would not want your grandchild to pay for it. So, let's go ahead and get the $5,000.00 or $6,000.00 – Which is best for you?

Mic dropped
All those rebuttals are good but the "I want to talk to my kids" is usually just a smokescreen .I love it when you call many of these people back that insist on talking to their kids about it . I'd say 90% of the time their response is " My daughter told me she already has a policy on me" . I said that's funny Cindy. That means your daughter took a policy out on you without your knowledge . Thats fraud and it won't pay . They don't act like they care because its a lie . I understand why agents go after the replacement mkt . In the end there must be interest and a want for your product or it's going to lapse . We deal with people who have procrastinated all their life . As Duford says you must eliminate the agent killers fast and move on . Thats why you must have a lot of leads .
I understand, Marge. But what is John/Mary going to say? It's like if you went out looking at houses with a realtor. They're going to say, "Well, you're the one who looked at it, Mom. What do you think?
If it's not a smokescreen, Marge will say, "You're right, Mr. Agent. That's exactly what John/Mary would say". Because it is.:idea:
I've found this to bring the best results to a very difficult objection because it rings true.:yes: