F2F Direct Mail Close %

Cost per sale. It seems there is a price to pay in Net Income for the luxury of not having face the weather, and the conditions in which our FE people live.

So, I'm not trying to persuade you against doing f2f sales, but I want to put things into perspective...

You're going to have slippage with f2f as well. Driving around eats a lot of time. Getting stood up eats a lot of time. You may make more per sale, but you may be losing more sales because you're spending more time doing non-sales tasks.

Some people do better w/ f2f and that's fine. However, if you're only concern is more money per sale you might be penny wise and pound foolish.

You might want to look into how you can increase the premium per sale instead?

Ultimately, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate.... so take anything I say with a grain of salt.
I grind all day, 5 days a week, to submit 15-20K per month. After charge backs and lead costs, I net $4-6K per month.

That is not a good. Do you have a lot of not takens/free looks or is your business just not staying on the books past the first few months? This is where @Agentguy5's advice to deliver our policies will really help you - it gives you a chance to reclose the sale by reminding the client why they bought in the first place, and it will also set you apart from the 99.99 agents who never set eyes on their clients again.

You're in Georgia - you should look up a cat goes by the name Dusty Edwards down your way. He has a great F2F approach and presentation that is different from most F2F agents and could be a game changer for you.

I am not selling specifically to the FE market any longer, but I did incorporate a good bit of Dusty's approach and used it to cold knock a cold data list. Mail out 1000 cards for about $500 +/- and buy the list. Then get to knocking. It is a great way to learn and hone your F2F skills without spending a lot of dough.

Dusty was writing over $300K/year knocking a cold list. He is now a builder and so he now advocates his recruits buy leads, but it isn't the way he did it for almost 20 years.
Travis is correct in a few things he says . Getting hung up on the phone is a lot different than getting shouted at in person , rejection in person , cat piss,roaches and dog shit . Windshield time is up to 1000 miles a week depending where you live and how difficult leads are to get . Just like a lot of face to face guys are terrible on the phone it's the same with telesales guys will struggle with face to face . Your personality has a lot to do wether you succeed in face to face .
Harshly rejected 1-2 times out of 20 knocks . Door slammed etc . Shouted at rarely . But even being shouted at in person now and then can effect somebody . None of it bothers me so it's irrelevant. But it's a hell of a lot different sitting in your underwear from 10-7 vs driving 1000 miles a week and in heavy traffic at times . Like I said everyone has to find what there good at . But driving a ton week in week out is a grind . For a 25 yr old no big deal but for a 55-60 yr old much tougher .There's a reason almost every former top producer goes into recruiting. Pounding the pavement day in day out is tough .
We've been led the believe from Root that telesales has great persistency . I've never believed over the phone with fe can match f2f. I had 2 nsf's last week I saved . Had to physically go out there as the refused to answer the phone . If that were telesales those are lapses . But if those were over 13 months I'd have gone by when I was in the area only .
We've been led the believe from Root that telesales has great persistency . I've never believed over the phone with fe can match f2f. I had 2 nsf's last week I saved . Had to physically go out there as the refused to answer the phone . If that were telesales those are lapses . But if those were over 13 months I'd have gone by when I was in the area only .
What is to keep a person from selling by phone and then doing F2F conservation if the client is close enough to see?
What are the chances one can be successful with telesales within a 70 miles radius?You need multiple states to get enough leads to make it. Telesales is lead intensive as closing ratios lower.