Face Book Final Expense Call Script

Brother if it works for you great . Mine is short and to the pt . Again the greatest script in the world is meaningless if you have a terrible voice or you show no enthusiasm. The main goal of a call is to be loose , short,confident and to the pt .

Me: Mrs Johnson

Her: yes

Me: My names Mike .Yesterday at exactly 5:38 you filled out a quote sheet ( I'm alerting them THEY asked for the quote) on Facebook for information on final expense /Burial INSURANCE( reiterating again YOU asked for a quote for insurance ) . I'm the person who handles the requests in your county .I actually live in x county ( If the county I live in is near them it sometimes puts them at ease and lowers their guard ) . Mrs Johnson I'm working in your area tommorrow as I have 10 clients to see . I have a FEW openings left . I have a 10 am and 5 pm I can squeeze you in at . ( always appear busy even if your not as it makes them seem special you squeezed them in)What's better for you ?

Her : 10 am

Me: Ok Mrs Johnson I want you to do a favor for me . Please write that appt down on your calendar or phone . Will you do that for me Mrs Johnson?

Her : Ok

You still get stood up a lot . It's the nature of this business that's why I dk all first .I fire from all directions . After 10-15 attempts to get in touch with i trash the lead . My times to valuable and I have to move on to interested people .

On door knocks with dm leads:

Knock Knock

Mr Johnson my names Mike . Showing them the card . In the past few weeks this card came to your mailbox . You opened it up , read it , filled it out and put it in the mailbox . You took 4 steps to make sure I got this card . I know how important this info is to you and that's why I rushed right over to get it to you .

They say what is it ?

Showing them the card . That's your handwriting right ?
He'll says yes reading it

It's for information on the state regulated burial plans

It only takes 5 mins to get you this info YOU ASKED FOR. Should I take my shoes off ( as I'm creeping toward the door assuming I'm coming in )

Again none of this means anything if your not speaking with authority and confidence and slowly and clearly . Many times if they have a dog that came to the door before I say a word I'll jokingly say " he's not going to maul me is he ? The dogs 2 lbs and they laugh . Lowers their guard .Im always open to learn any new tricks from anyone . Like door knocker putting the binder between his legs is good . I'm doing that now do they don't see it .
Solid script. North east is a little different approach then dealing with the people in the south. People are more direct and skeptical up here. It's weird. I've worked in the south people were more resistant to being rude with you like they are where I'm at. I like how you give them choices.

For Door Knocking I started using a technique one of my top producers uses. He writes 25-30k a month on 20 leads and he works less than 30 hours a week. Last month he sold 45k off of 75 leads. All he says, "I'm with the benefits center and you wanted to see if you could qualify for final expense and burial coverage." He then just leans in and they let him in.

I was struggling at door knocking so I went out with him for two days. He literally got into every house. I started using his approach and got into a lot more houses. It's crazy.
I've worked in the south people were more resistant to being rude with you like they are where I'm at.

You must not have worked in my area. People are rude and just mean at times. Some also have bad dogs that will bite you and it is your fault. I have always thought Indiana and Kentucky were FE heaven, but looking at your results I think Massachusetts may be more FE friendly.
You must not have worked in my area. People are rude and just mean at times. Some also have bad dogs that will bite you and it is your fault. I have always thought Indiana and Kentucky were FE heaven, but looking at your results I think Massachusetts may be more FE friendly.
I work more Rhode Island, but I also travel to PA and Delaware. I've had some of my best weeks in Delaware. People just seem nicer.
The dogs 2 lbs and they laugh . Lowers their guard

@Life Hawk has said this many times and I agree - the power of laughter to get you in the door cannot be discounted.

I had one on Tuesday (my only sale that day) where there were seven or eight very steep stairs up to the door, but not much of a landing at the top. I didn't want to be right in her face when she answered, and the stairs were so unusually steep I knocked and then went all the way down to the bottom to wait for her to answer.

She opened the door, looked out the screen, looking none too happy, and I just said "Why helloooooo up there" and gave her a big wave

I know it doesn't sound like much typing it out but we both just burst out laughing, and she opened the screen door and said come on in. I didn't even have to go through my door script to get in lol. I always try to make them laugh early ... and often if possible.