Family First Life

I have been approached by FFL and am considering joining. I like that they have a free class to help me get my license, no contract is required, and renewals are vested at day one. I have seen good and bad reviews but it is likely that your success is up to you and your individual efforts.

One red flag that comes to mind though is that in there marketing material they claim their average agent makes 115k per year... although in another slide it claims 321 agents hit different levels of six figures.

It doesn't add up to me because I have also been told that FFL has over 10,000 agents in the field now. That would mean that less than 1% of their agents make $100,000 or more. Yet they claim their average agent makes $115,000. Sitting on the fence over here wondering if I'm being pitched snake oil.
Are you looking to do mortgage protection and Recruit a downline or what exactly are you looking for?
I have been approached by FFL and am considering joining. I like that they have a free class to help me get my license, no contract is required, and renewals are vested at day one. I have seen good and bad reviews but it is likely that your success is up to you and your individual efforts.

One red flag that comes to mind though is that in there marketing material they claim their average agent makes 115k per year... although in another slide it claims 321 agents hit different levels of six figures.

It doesn't add up to me because I have also been told that FFL has over 10,000 agents in the field now. That would mean that less than 1% of their agents make $100,000 or more. Yet they claim their average agent makes $115,000. Sitting on the fence over here wondering if I'm being pitched snake oil.

No snake oil but you nailed it on the head, "your success is up to you and your individual efforts." And I don't think FFL has 10,000 Agents in the field....yet. Last training conference a month back I believe the number they said was just under 5000, but that number is growing expeditiously. Just wrapping up 4 months in and tracking at $60,000 issued business. No contracts so jump in and if it doesn't work for you get out. Why teeter totter when there is nothing nailing you down and you are hearing more good than bad.
No snake oil but you nailed it on the head, "your success is up to you and your individual efforts." And I don't think FFL has 10,000 Agents in the field....yet. Last training conference a month back I believe the number they said was just under 5000, but that number is growing expeditiously. Just wrapping up 4 months in and tracking at $60,000 issued business. No contracts so jump in and if it doesn't work for you get out. Why teeter totter when there is nothing nailing you down and you are hearing more good than bad.

Hi DonJuan,

That's a good start. You are already on track to make six figures this year. Do you have previous experience selling insurance? How much are you spending on leads? How much of that has gone to charge back so far? Just curious... I realize that you are just getting started and it sounds like a pretty good start at that... well done.
Hello Cynthia. I'm new to FFL as well. I spent 24 years in state government so this is my new 2nd career. I'm newly licensed (now 3 months) and of course never worked in the insurance biz before. I see many of the responses and at least in my opinion are from people who never worked for FFL before, are overly negative, and/or are not high producers themselves. Speaking from my own experience, FFL has delivered on everything they said when I first joined them. I started at 100% comp and after submitting close to $20,000 annual premium my first month was promoted to 110% comp. The last two months I have submitted just shy of $20,000 of annual premium each month so at least I'm maintaining a consistent production level. Now how much am I actually getting paid??? Well, the last 3 month average I'm pocketing about $13,000 a month with approximately $4000-$5000 due to me in months 10, 11, and 12 (three equal payments). This is all new to me but the carriers advance you 75% of the annual premium sold, at whatever comp level your contracted with them. The remaining 25% of what they owe you comes in three payments in months 10, 11, and 12. It was explained to me the reason this is the way it is structured is in case the client cancels or the policy otherwise lapses before the year is up. In that case the carriers do take their money back (called charge back) for the months remaining that the client did not pay for. I have not had one yet. As for leads, yes, FFL does advise to purchase as many fresh leads as you are able to afford so that you have a regular fresh stream of prospects, but you don't have to. From what I hear other insurance agencies make you give a list of your family and friends with the expectation you (or other agents from that agency) try to sell them a policy. Don't know if this is true but FFL does not ask for any such type of lists. I do spend approximately $1000 to $1200 a month on leads, but the return is more than exceptional. Just FYI I started with just $375 as my first lead purchases and after the return on that first expense reinvested on more leads and it just took off from there. Again, this is just my own experience. From my own interactions and observations, others are doing way better than me, and others are no doing as well. When it comes down to it, you are a "1099" self-employed business person, and like any person that is self-employed, your success is directly correlated to the time, effort, and commitment you give your business. I'm sure there are other great insurance companies out there but for someone who does not know anything different I am totally convinced I'm where I should be.
Gotta call BS on this , you company guy, amigo:)
One red flag that comes to mind though is that in there marketing material they claim their average agent makes 115k per year... although in another slide it claims 321 agents hit different levels of six figures.

It doesn't add up to me because I have also been told that FFL has over 10,000 agents in the field now. That would mean that less than 1% of their agents make $100,000 or more. Yet they claim their average agent makes $115,000. Sitting on the fence over here wondering if I'm being pitched snake oil.

I wonder how their median agent compares to the average.
Gotta call BS on this , you company guy, amigo:)
Truth be told I don't give a $h#t what you call it. It doesn't take much time for participants to get a sense this forum/platform is full of negative, condescending, and downright unhappy individuals who use their cloak of anonymity to put down and criticize others who project success in this doubt to make themselves fell better about their own failures, insecurities, shortcomings, and lack of success......basically a bunch of bullies in the classic sense of the word.

The evidence is well laid out in almost every thread one clicks on. It seems the only ones who start to add anything of value are the new members who quickly see this environment is not one that fosters positive energy, growth, and development, and soon you see their participation and comments/feedback disappear. To give credit where credit is due, there are many others who clearly are here to provide good advice, share their experience and knowledge, and seem to genuinely want to help. But those seem to be far and in between.

Yesterday's post was my first since I signed up over a month ago. Mostly because #1 I'm in the field each and every day growing my business, making great money, and trying to achieve my next level of success, and #2 someone sent me a PM asking me a sincere and genuine question. Otherwise my feeling is that its not worth the energy to invest in such a dreary environment. This is the last place any newbie in the business should be going to for ANY help and meaningful advice.

Trolls, have fun with my post.....I'm off to my first appointment of seven scheduled on this fine Saturday. See ya.
Truth be told I don't give a $h#t what you call it. It doesn't take much time for participants to get a sense this forum/platform is full of negative, condescending, and downright unhappy individuals who use their cloak of anonymity to put down and criticize others who project success in this doubt to make themselves fell better about their own failures, insecurities, shortcomings, and lack of success......basically a bunch of bullies in the classic sense of the word.

The evidence is well laid out in almost every thread one clicks on. It seems the only ones who start to add anything of value are the new members who quickly see this environment is not one that fosters positive energy, growth, and development, and soon you see their participation and comments/feedback disappear. To give credit where credit is due, there are many others who clearly are here to provide good advice, share their experience and knowledge, and seem to genuinely want to help. But those seem to be far and in between.

Yesterday's post was my first since I signed up over a month ago. Mostly because #1 I'm in the field each and every day growing my business, making great money, and trying to achieve my next level of success, and #2 someone sent me a PM asking me a sincere and genuine question. Otherwise my feeling is that its not worth the energy to invest in such a dreary environment. This is the last place any newbie in the business should be going to for ANY help and meaningful advice.

Trolls, have fun with my post.....I'm off to my first appointment of seven scheduled on this fine Saturday. See ya.
Now, now brown cow, I wish you much success but that don't change my skepticism; like my Grandma always said, "too much sugar for a dime".
RUN...they have great training but if you cant afford to buy leads right away forget it. They own a lead house called MailPro and charge the agents top dollar for the lead like $67 dollars and if you dont sell the lead within 30 days they resell it to another agent. They have vendors that sell fb leads that cost $30 a pop and not exclusive... if you cant spend $1500 a week on leads run! Their managers will sell you leads they already worked and sold to multiple agents....