Family First Life

OK, how about the person earning?

New agent starting gets what?

Agent, say $75-$100k AP, writing with his own pen gets what?

Thanks for your transparency above.

Agents with experience usually start between 100% and 120%, sometimes higher. (Commission can change on certain products)

New agents with no license usually start @ between 80% and 100%.

FFL allows the up-line to start people where they seem fit. There is a guideline but a lot of agents like to give more commission away to agents so they have a better chance at succeeding. Opposed to make a large spread but only keep agents around for a few months.

There is a bonus system in place that is based on overall volume. This allows managers to give out higher commission, and then make money on a bonus. The bonus kicks in when your team starts doing 150,000 a month.
John Hancock Vitality and American Amicable are two more carriers that pay 140 with FFL. More to come.

But it's only the Mortgage Protection products that can actually get the 140%.

Would you mind sharing an updated Comp Grid for FFL?
Agents with experience usually start between 100% and 120%, sometimes higher. (Commission can change on certain products)

New agents with no license usually start @ between 80% and 100%.

FFL allows the up-line to start people where they seem fit. There is a guideline but a lot of agents like to give more commission away to agents so they have a better chance at succeeding. Opposed to make a large spread but only keep agents around for a few months.

There is a bonus system in place that is based on overall volume. This allows managers to give out higher commission, and then make money on a bonus. The bonus kicks in when your team starts doing 150,000 a month.

You just hit the nail on the head! I'll repeat your wisdom for anyone that missed it: If agents start at higher commission levels they have a MUCH higher chance of succeeding. Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner! Winner, Chicken Dinner!

No one should be giving up commission to get "free leads" "magic training" "Top secret sales scripts" "e-apps" " or the latest, greatest new gimmick" . Keep looking if they chop your commissions down because there are many agencies that give you everything you need to be successful AND pay you your fair share (that's the latest catch phrase isn't it? Your fair share?) MAKE them give you the commission grid in writing that new agents start at. If some guy wants you to start at less, don't buy his magic beans. Move on.

Agencies that start agents at fair commission levels do NOT make an Easter Egg hunt of their commission grids. FexContracting has ours posted where it is easy to find. No agent left behind. Final Expense Commission Levels
Truth be told I don't give a $h#t what you call it. It doesn't take much time for participants to get a sense this forum/platform is full of negative, condescending, and downright unhappy individuals who use their cloak of anonymity to put down and criticize others who project success in this doubt to make themselves fell better about their own failures, insecurities, shortcomings, and lack of success......basically a bunch of bullies in the classic sense of the word.

The evidence is well laid out in almost every thread one clicks on. It seems the only ones who start to add anything of value are the new members who quickly see this environment is not one that fosters positive energy, growth, and development, and soon you see their participation and comments/feedback disappear. To give credit where credit is due, there are many others who clearly are here to provide good advice, share their experience and knowledge, and seem to genuinely want to help. But those seem to be far and in between.

I am beginning to realize this after reading this thread.