Fax Numbers


1000 Post Club
I say we collectively start fax bombing the house reps. / senators in every state every am till Barry is booted. At least we can feel like we are being heard on some level?
Anybody have a list? Maybe it can be found online.
You might be better served signing your name here, and passing it along. This is periodically sent to "the hill", and placed the committee chairman's hands.

Docs 4 Patient Care.org

I signed my name to it. This is better than getting a barrage of phone calls or faxes from Insurance Agents, who, truthfully, noone cares about.
What specifically about Obama do you not like?

I'm not gonna humour this guy...
The position you seek for village *** has been filled for some time.
When AL3 gives up and goes back to being a social worker, we'll give you a call.

No, you can't.

Ron Paul 2012
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