For what it's worth, when things were good in the home improvement industry, TV leads were at least $150 a pop. TV commercials are expensive, can't see how TV leads and DM leads could be anywhere nears in price.:nah:

Could it be that back in those days everyone watched commercial sponsored TV?

Now all the affuent viewers have moved on or at least fast forward the commercials.

But the low income seniors are what is left. Lucky for us.
I wonder if the TV show the people were watching when they responded would also be an indicator of the quality of the lead?

Lead responders from: Jerry Springer, Judge Judy, Jeopardy, Fox News, the Steve Harvey Show, etc. Are they all equal? Can you fine tune them to that degree?

Just curious?

Broadcast TV leads (local stations) are of a much lower quality then cable when it pertains to bank accounts, however the interest level is always higher.

We've worked with media buyers for years and almost know to a science now what our response rate will be, cost per lead, and closing ratio.

Scary stuff.

One hint for anyone that wants to pick up TV leads. We play our national ads right after a very popular show and get similiar responses for half the cost. For example: Bill O'rielly's spot was double, sometimes triple of that of Shawn Hannity. But Shawn always pulled in the same numbers. We played our commercials at every break for the first half of the show, and picked up many Orielly viewers.
Broadcast TV leads (local stations) are of a much lower quality then cable when it pertains to bank accounts, however the interest level is always higher.

We've worked with media buyers for years and almost know to a science now what our response rate will be, cost per lead, and closing ratio.

Scary stuff.

One hint for anyone that wants to pick up TV leads. We play our national ads right after a very popular show and get similiar responses for half the cost. For example: Bill O'rielly's spot was double, sometimes triple of that of Shawn Hannity. But Shawn always pulled in the same numbers. We played our commercials at every break for the first half of the show, and picked up many Orielly viewers.

Is that that angel care advertisement?