FE carriers who will accept Social Security debit card?

Good to see we have some folks that still think their dad's the greatest. Me too. But he wouldn't fight, he would just out fish all of you... and could tell stories till the cows came home. The best!

Sorry about your dad... I'm sure you miss him.
I was making a joke to go along with some previous posts, but thanks, yeah I do...even though we didn't always get along. We were too much alike.

My dad liked to drink, fight(bar room brawler), fish and hunt...I think in that order. He was also a story teller, which ran/runs in the family.:fibs:
I am the best fisherman in the world! I am just not really good at catching ;)

My mission with Fishing is simple:

To catch a buzz doing it . . .

Now, my oldest son is enjoying the Semi-Pro Bass Tours. My youngest Son is on spring break this week and participated in a Tournament with my oldest - they split the cash.
Was he also Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny?

I'm trying to stay out of all the pissing matches on here, but that was damn cold.

I don't care what you think of someone, or even what you think of your parents. You may hate them now, but I bet they did their best (as bad as that may have been) to be Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and everything else.

Some days I have a lot of respect for Tom and some days I think he's a complete ***, but there was no call for that.
His dad is a world champion, his son is a pro fisherman, he has Insurance down to a science. I was poking fun since I never know what to believe. If you keep reading, you'll see that he knows I was messing with him. It was in no way a knock on his dad. Just a knock on his stories.
His dad is a world champion, his son is a pro fisherman, he has Insurance down to a science. I was poking fun since I never know what to believe. If you keep reading, you'll see that he knows I was messing with him. It was in no way a knock on his dad. Just a knock on his stories.

Actually - said my Dad was the Light Heavyweight Champion for both the Army and Navy back in the 60's.

Also - said my eldest Son fished on the Semi-Pro Bass Tournament Series. He has for several years now. Anyone can do it - just pay the fees.

But - still gonna take you up on the boat outing - maybe this summer?
The LAST 4-5 post have nothing to do with the original post. How funny!
I've seen this a lot on here. ADHD must run like wildfire here