FE carriers who will accept Social Security debit card?

I wouldn't fight Tom. I have a feeling if we met in person, we would hit it off. Might end up taking the boat fishing, THEN if he beat me in my own boat, we might have to fight then!

Ha - I'm too old to fight. That one punch would be my limit I think. I'd love to go out in the boat as long as you promise that I'd come back to dock ;)
I wouldn't bet against you on that bet Steve.

Sorry Tom, but I'd have to put my money on the Karate guy. Ben's 1/2 your age and a Kung Fu Master.

The last guy that wanted to fight Ben on the Forum ended up working for him(JG). :yes:

Ha never said anything about a fight or wining. I said "punch" - lol
Nobody. My dad died 28 years ago, but I bet he could still whip your dad's ass. :yes:

Sorry Tom, couldn't resist. :twitchy:

Good to see we have some folks that still think their dad's the greatest. Me too. But he wouldn't fight, he would just out fish all of you... and could tell stories till the cows came home. The best!

Sorry about your dad... I'm sure you miss him.