Subtract 1 hour for lunch, and it's a typical 8hr work day. Given the average wait time is 34 minutes to receive a call, does that mean the agent who makes him/herself available for 8hrs would average 16 inbound calls per day, and closes 3-5 of those per day?Yes. We do at DigitalBGA. TV Commercials, Infomercials and DM Call Ins between 9 AM-6 PM CST. We generate them ourselves and show our agents the ads and mailers.
$55/ea. 30 second buffer. Closing 18%-33% (depending on the agent). Over $1200 average premium. It's the fastest growing side of our business.
Toggle yourself available in our technology and you're entered into our queue. The call in will come to your phone registered in our system.
I don't know of any other agency offering this for independent agents. The cost has risen so much for others that used to offer this that many have stopped their programs. We've just figured out a unique strategy to bring the cost down which can only be implemented if you generate the calls yourself.