FE Mailer I Created With Results

An interesting result I normally would agree with, but that wasn't the case with this sample size.

I probably received 25-30 calls. Let's say conservatively I created 15 leads. All 15 of those leads listened to the entirety of the message -- all 11 minutes of it -- and left their information voluntarily.

What's really neat is the software I use stored the phone number that they called from, and tells you how long they listened to the message before they hung up.

Roughly, 80% of the people who hung up and did not leave information, hung up around the 10:30 mark when I asked them to leave their information for me to follow up on.

The other 20% hung up typically half-way through.

And anyway, the concept was to weed out the willy-nillys and focus on the people who, odds were, were interested. Those I'd wager were the ones who left their information after all that.

The people who hung up half way through, or who didn't leave information, were the wafflers and marginally interested.

Good info.

I'd agree that the recording was too long and too detailed. Studies say that people call any advertisement for the purpose of eliminating it, not for the purpose of wanting to buy the product. So the longer that the message is the more likely it is that you give them that 'one rough spot' of info that will cause them to discount the offer and hang up. Conversely a shorter more leading recording leaving much more to the imagination may have produced more leads; [conjecutre].

What might be a good idea is to remail this same exact list several times, especially the ones that you received responses from. Afterall they had an interest in the benefits once... in fact I would mail those folks once a month or so, forever, or until you sell them, and maybe as you mentioned, different products too.

Again, all good info that you've provided; a good experiment and case study with your results. Thanks.
Sports nut is correct. Shorter is better than longer. You do not want to provide too much information.

Shorter would be better for increasing responses (curiosity comes into play).

Longer recorded message and still getting a response equates to less responses but the responses would be higher quality.
Yes -- you could probably hire a professional voice-over off of fiverr.com for $30-$50 to do the script.

PS: I could post the recording script up if someone's interested.

Thanks for sharing this Reardon. Could you post the recording script as well?

Sure -- copying and pasting the whole thing in the message below.

It sounded way better spoken.

"Welcome to the 24-hour, pre-recorded hotline, designed to give you all the information about the yellow postcard you recently received in the mail.

Hello; my name is Rearden. I am a licensed life insurance agent living in Hereford.

Let me ask you a question – are you worried you or a spouse may not have enough money to pay for final expenses upon death?

Perhaps you have no savings or insurance whatsoever; maybe you have some, but, with the way funeral prices have increased, you feel like it's not enough; or maybe you just want enough money to replace you or a loved one's lost income.

If you are in one of the situations I just mentioned, then stay on the line and listen to the important information I'm about to give you. Because... the truth is that death is expensive. VERY expensive. And it's getting more and more so every year.

In Eastern Tennessee, the average funeral costs between $7000 and $10000 – and it's not unheard of for a funeral to cost $15000 or more! Even cremation with memorial averages $3000 to $4000 nowadays.

To make matters worse, most people end up in the hospital before passing, leaving behind thousands of dollars in medical debt for surviving spouses and children to pay for.

Added together, you can easily see just how much death will cost the people you love.

The good news is that there is a solution – and it's called life insurance and burial insurance! But the facts are that not all insurance is the same. And it's in your best interest to know the facts about what's available to you. So let me start by telling you what this program is not:

This program is not what's called term insurance. Have you ever received a letter from AARP or Globe Life about Life Insurance? If so, they offer what's called Group Term Life Insurance.

Simply put, Term Life insurance means your coverage will cancel, usually at age 75 or age 80. And if you live a day past that point, you lose all of your coverage. And you don't get a dime back.

And to add insult to injury, AARP and Globe Life's Term coverage actually increases in costs every 3 to 5 years.

So if you don't outlive your coverage, you might not be able to afford your coverage!

Which leads me to a very important question – what good is having insurance… if it's not their when you need it? Why have term life insurance if you might live past 75 or 80?

Now that's covered, I also want to tell you what else our program is not:

Our programs are not 2-year waiting period programs.

Most likely you've seen a number of TV commercials and letters from Mutual of Omaha and Colonial Penn. While both are very popular life insurance companies, they offer what's known as "Modified 2-Year Waiting Period" Coverage.

What does this mean? It means if you die within the first 2 years of your program, you don't see your full death benefit. Your loved ones only get back what you paid in plus a tiny bit of interest.

Simply put, the people you love might get back only several hundred dollars instead of the thousands you had, if you die an untimely death. And who on this earth knows when our final day will be, right?

The truth is you can get coverage that's immediate from day one. Which leads me into the benefits of the programs we offer.

We offer what's known as Final Expense Whole Life Insurance, designed to be the easiest and most affordable way to pay for all your final expenses.

And the benefits you receive from these programs are plentiful. For example:

1. You are guaranteed to NEVER lose your coverage, no matter how old you get, or what happens to your health. Your coverage is with you your whole life. Guaranteed.
2. Coverage is guaranteed and immediate from day 1, regardless of your health, even if you've had a history of heart, lung, cancer, or diabetes problems.
3. Your rates will NEVER go up. They are locked in the rest of your life.
4. You coverage can never go down. In some cases, it can actually increase over time.
5. Rates are easily affordable for people on a tight budget or a fixed income.
6. Coverage is available from as little as $1,000.00, all the way up to $75,000.00.

Simply put, the programs we have access to are straightforward and easy to understand. Because who likes insurance with all the fine print?

With our Final Expense Whole Life Insurance programs, you'll never get cancelled because of age or health, you have day 1 immediate coverage, your rates stay locked in the rest of your life, coverage never decreases, and it's especially affordable for people on fixed incomes or tight budgets.

Now – the final question you have to consider and answer for yourself is this – out of the three options available to you – number 1, Term Life that cancels and increases in price, number 2, the 2-year waiting programs where you're hoping you'll live another 2 years before getting your coverage, or number 3, our Senior Final Expense Whole Life programs where you rates never increase, you have day one coverage, and you can never be cancelled… which program works best for you and your family's needs?

…If you chose number 3, our Final Expense Whole Life Programs, then congratulations, that's what everyone chooses.

Because… with the Term Life programs and the 2-Year Waiting Period programs, you're simply taking a bet – hoping you either die before 75 or 80, or hoping you don't die within 2 years of taking the policy out. And, quite honestly, why would you want to gamble with your loved ones when you don't have to, right?

Because, with our Senior Final Expense Whole Life Programs, you don't have to gamble. You get total peace of mind, knowing you're loved ones won't go broke paying your final expenses.

At this point, if you'd like more information on these guaranteed Senior Life Insurance Programs, then here's what you need to do. At the sound of the beep, simply leave your full name, the best telephone number to reach you, a good time to call back over the next several days, and tell us a little about what you're looking for and why you called.

We will call you back within the next 24 to 48 hours to provide you more information on what we can do for you.

Again, you'd like more information on these guaranteed Senior Life Insurance Programs, at the sound of the beep, simply leave your full name, the best telephone number to reach you, a good time to call back over the next several days, and tell us a little about what you're looking for and why you called.

We look forward to helping you soon."

There it is.
I have tried something similar over the years with little results, but you have outclassed my attempt 2-1. Thanks for making this available Reardon!
Without it being said, anyone's free to "steal" my copy and make their own version without hard feelings.

All in the spirit of giving.

I would say that if one undertakes a custom piece like this, you need to (a) have the copywriting know-how first-and-foremost, and (b) have the financial ability to swallow the odds the piece will be a failure, or breakeven with little or no profits.

I would recommend you to work the generics for a while, learn how to sell in print, and be prepared to invest -- and lose -- about $5,000 on a mail drop to come to a firm conclusion whether or not your marketing piece is the Golden Goose.

If you're not? Stick with the fundamentals, ala $255 Gub'ment Mailer.