- 19,657
posted by JDeasy
"I don't have to fool with that crap anymore, thank God!! I tell Ryan at EFES how many leads I want for the next week and bam! They are in my box on Sat. morn. I don't have to be concerned about the return % or whether it was sent first class or not. All I have to do turn on or off the spigot."
Hey JD,
I don't understand how the number of leads you choose to get for any given week can happen that fast if your using mailers. Do they have a bunch of excess leads sitting around in your area? Are you working old lead cars as well as new? I have worked mailers and from the time the order was placed it took several weeks for them to come in and even then they came in very randomly?
What am I missing?
They are constantly mailing my counties. Sometimes they will tell me they just mailed 5000 pieces for me. I don't know how much they mail every week for me. That's something I don't have to deal with.
I agee that thjey come in randomly when you are doing your own. That's another advantage to being with EFES. I'm sure they 4-5-6 leads siting in various counties that I work waiting until they 15 for that county or until I am working that county again. I know it takes a couple of months to get 15 leads in some of the small counties I work. So yeah, when I work a county like that some of the leads are going to be a week old and some are going to be two months old.
Sometimes someone else has gottn to those people and sold them something by the time I get the card. That's great. The other agent has found a buyer. I replace policies all the time that are less than a month old.
It's not really an issue of old leads. The returns here are so bad that they will tell me that they only have 8 in one county and 7 in another. I will take it that way and work one county one day and the other the next day.
There is only fairly large cith near me and that's really the only area where I know I'll be for 3-4 weeks at a time with 15 leads every week.