Federal Court Blocks Medicare Agent Pay Cap Regulations

For every one of you, there are many who do not get these things and I'm not sure it's a great thing that you have to ask. Not saying it's always unethical but in a super regulated part of the industry with federal money being exchanged the ethical things usually come with tons of transparency and detailed criteria that applies to everyone equally. Everyone who met A would be paid B and only B.

I am not begrudging you. You seem to be playing the system to your advantage. I am feeling like the system is rotten. But not saying you are.

I'm proud to have built my book without any handouts. It was important to me to do that I guess.

Medicare Advantage is very dirty, when someone has no sep but can be flipped at the drop of a hat , the system is very rotten and as layers get pealed back the more rotten it is,
Why is everyone assuming that most agents get marketing money? There are thousands of little agents who don't get shit. Because you don't need the handout. We earn a commission and the commission covers your expenses and profit.

The reason we see so many agents having little good to say about their uplines is because (surprise!) most of them don't do shit for agents. They collect a toll on every sale.

If you're gonna give out the money, give it to the agents who are writing business and representing you. Or put it back into better benefits for your members.

Mother Integrity Group is warning about $250-350 on every single sale you make, and another $150-200 on your renewals. That's a conservative number. Some carriers pay $600+

It's not so much the overrides that burn me up but that uplines keep crying poor and pretending they create massive value when that's so objectively false.

Remember that when this court case forces CMS to take back our fmv increase on next year sales. Cause I'll remember all the little guys who celebrated it.

End of rant

FMO's have the money so they challenge However, they won't win the carriers. I seriously think the carriers are the ones that will say No more. They are afraid of growing right now. Afraid they will lose their shits with final rule and drug expense being 60% in cat phase along with Ozempic and wegovy prices. I think carriers agreed with CMS. This court case has no meaning if the carriers aren't on board. I don't think they are and FMO's will be mad soon. Everyone has to take the beaten on the final rule. Not just the little guy.
Medicare Advantage is very dirty, when someone has no sep but can be flipped at the drop of a hat , the system is very rotten and as layers get pealed back the more rotten it is,
Lots of SEP's that are invalid. Some can't.be proven like leaving employer plan Can't be validated. It sucks because that's fraud so if an agent gets caught with doing something like that, would be a bad one. Hard to prove on some of those SEP's I won't risk it. Lost two this week from no valid SEP
Don't be shocked when we get very little on marketing AEP money. Carriers are crappung their pants not wanting to grow. Very surprised if even the best agents get marketing money this year.
Medicare Advantage is very dirty, when someone has no sep but can be flipped at the drop of a hat , the system is very rotten and as layers get pealed back the more rotten it is,
This says it all. It's rotten to the core .The money's been flowing like wine . The rottenness started with the carriers making billions off the back of taxpayers . Yes this is funded by taxpayer money . So the carriers start Bribing ( marketing money , Cash payments disguised as reimbursed marketing money , free swag etc ) agents to write more and more . Then came the private equity firms ( amerilife and integrity smelling the money) ,the call centers etc. Everyone wants to profit off uncle same just like the drs screw medicare .
Lots of SEP's that are invalid. Some can't.be proven like leaving employer plan Can't be validated. It sucks because that's fraud so if an agent gets caught with doing something like that, would be a bad one. Hard to prove on some of those SEP's I won't risk it. Lost two this week from no valid SEP
United and Humana can give 2 flying flips about the FEMA emergency SEP. They take it no questions asked regardless of whether a State has it or not.
Guess we need to.be thankful for what we have now. Think of this one… I know we will have carriers with non commissionable MAPD plans next year. Which states? I know mine will since i heard already Those carriers sending marketing material right to your member Member calls you to switch. Now you have no commission. What about all the plans that will be sun setting. Heck, we don't even know if a carrier will leave the state Got to be prepared for all of it. So… I wouldn't be counting on marketing money this year and I feel bad for agents that have a lot of PDP clients. Count on spending lots of time on that If it's even worth spending