Feds: Brokers Can Be HHS Exchange Navigators

Can someone please fill me in on the peeler joke? I havent been around here long and can already tell he's quite a character and well liked in this forum. Why is he joked about as doing an insane amount of apps?

Just because you talk to someone everyday doesn't mean he's well liked.
Life Worth: Sargeant Peeler preaches Ratt and Roll theology...that's how he gets the massive volume of health aps through...Ratt and Roll...ratt and roll.
Tater is a "subsidy crack whore":
Average premium = $1.47
Average deductible = $200
HMO is his favorite 3 letters
Spanish is his second language
Sebellius sends him "thank you" emails daily
Does Mr. Peeler get a salary from the current administration for being personally responsible for 25% of the enrollment numbers or is he still a commission salesman like the rest of us?


Tater is a "subsidy crack whore":
Average premium = $1.47
Average deductible = $200
HMO is his favorite 3 letters
Spanish is his second language
Sebellius sends him "thank you" emails daily

That must require a lot of low income "estimating".
Yes, I beleive HHS calls him personally. Don't know if they thank him or not, though. He's the king of subsidized enrollments.

Actually, BCBSTX's CEO called Peeler personally because he was the first agent to actually submit an application to them back when healthcare.gov was glitching out in the early part of OEP. I think it went to his head. hehehe. Anyway, there's been no stopping him since then!


Why is he joked about as doing an insane amount of apps?
It's not a joke. He actually does that number of apps. And, about the insane part, it's not the number of apps that we think is insane! JK
Ann make my day at the end of this OEP and just gimme one Ratt and Roll!!! come on now lets have some fun!
Peeler wrote 1,392 apps and is on track to make $732 per month until the policies lapse after 90 days.