Feedback on My Site Please

You seem to be doing a good job seo wise with the meta tags and internal linking, remember on your sub-pages to link to your home page and other sub-pages.

I would try to put a call to action quote box under the nav bar, so u get more conversions.

Other than that, looks good for now, get to writing lots of content and backlinking, and once its bringing in visitors, you can go back and spruce it up a bit-
Nice site but watch your content. Your initial life insurance information looks like it is right out of Wikipedia (or close to it).

Be original, personal and professional. Be different from the others.

right u are chumps.

one tip that i do, is install dragon naturally speaking, get a decent usb headset, for under $30.oo, and dictate ur content. this is especially helpful if u dont know what to write. just to the top 5 pages for a kw, and rewrite their content in ur own words.
always wondered if there was something like that available. thanks for posting the tip... i've written a few blogs on my phone with the google dictation. little cleanup left to do at the end, but can't complain with that!