Fex Contracting or the Insurance Squad

Senior Life is an amazing company. They have awesome rates on some products. They have superior lead generation. They utilize technology in ways others wish they could.

Hi myinsurrebiz, what do you mean by "superior lead generation" and technology? Are they generating some special or unique leads?
Hi myinsurrebiz, what do you mean by "superior lead generation" and technology? Are they generating some special or unique leads?

I can't speak for MIB, but I had their Leads the Way App a few months back. I would receive push notifications of a live transfer available for purchase. Price was somewhere in the $35 range. It would work well if you were doing phone sales with a high close ratio, but I only do F2F.

You can also buy infomercial leads on the app in real time and either call them right back or show up at their house. I was never able to work one of these as they were all over two hours away from me.

It was interesting to see it. They have the right idea with some of the things they do, and understand where the leads industry is heading. In a few years, they just may be well ahead of the pack.
I can't speak for MIB, but I had their Leads the Way App a few months back. I would receive push notifications of a live transfer available for purchase. Price was somewhere in the $35 range. It would work well if you were doing phone sales with a high close ratio, but I only do F2F.

You can also buy infomercial leads on the app in real time and either call them right back or show up at their house. I was never able to work one of these as they were all over two hours away from me.

It was interesting to see it. They have the right idea with some of the things they do, and understand where the leads industry is heading. In a few years, they just may be well ahead of the pack.

You're correct! In fact you'll hear "get ready we're coming" from the leaders at the home office. I'm very confident SL will be the agents' favorite carrier to write business for down the road. SL is a lean mean FE machine, the other carriers seem to be sluggish and slow to respond to market conditions.

When you call most carriers no one has ever sold anything. At SL the CEO, President, Vice President, all of the RVP's and even some of their underwriters have experience selling FE with leads.

They were the 1st to do FE tele-sales (2004) and they have TV leads that ping your smart phone as soon as Ms. Jones hangs up from calling the TV commercial (if she's close enough you can purchase that lead right then, call her back, verify her address, and tell her you'll be by in 45 min to an hour)!

And they have $25 DM leads very, very directly worded...even saying "not endorsed by the US Government, Federal Medicare Program, nor any state agency. Returned card requests free info about life insurance underwritten by Senior Life Insurance Company, Thomasville, Ga." What other FE agency/group/carrier has leads with this kind of direct wording?

Sorry for the rant guys....lol.
Thank you for your response!

Price was somewhere in the $35 range. It would work well if you were doing phone sales with a high close ratio, but I only do F2F.

You can also buy infomercial leads on the app in real time and either call them right back or show up at their house. I was never able to work one of these as they were all over two hours away from me.

So they were unable to zero-in on your area? What part of Florida do you usually work?
Real bad word to put on the card

Chris from TLC makes his money from repeat orders. Repeat orders come when the agents turn the most profit from their campaign. He's been in the lead business several decades, with a lot of trial and error. He has the word free twice on his featured card.
SL is a lean mean FE machine, the other carriers seem to be sluggish and slow to respond to market conditions.
True, most of the established players are years behind the market trends. They just don't know how to handle it...

They were the 1st to do FE tele-sales (2004) and they have TV leads that ping your smart phone as soon as Ms. Jones hangs up from calling the TV commercial (if she's close enough you can purchase that lead right then, call her back, verify her address, and tell her you'll be by in 45 min to an hour)!
Do they generate any FB leads for their agents?