The answer, IMHO, to the poster's question is FE can be a good career, but FE has some unique (I would think) issues attendant to it that no other (or at least not many) lines have:
1) higher rate of NTOs, lapses, etc........for obvious reasons
2) your clients need constant massaging after the sale......drop-ins, small notes written to say thanks, postcards for no other reason other than to say must keep your name in front of them long after the sale on a much more frequent basis....otherwise they'll lose their fire after the sale and spend it foolishly on material goods
3) they will also give you more referrals than other'll be much more likely to sell the whole house
I wonder if the above is more of a "regional" thing. My experience shows the exact opposite of these things. 90% persistancy and I never stop by or send letters (that is something I know I should do, however). I have sold for some carriers that just never seem to stick, though. That might have something to do with it.