- 935
If only you knew the actual truth of how much debt most IMO's/Uplines are carrying on FE. The amount of agents that don't pay their chargebacks and roll it up puts most uplines out of business.The dirty truth is who gets Rich off fe telesales is the upline
I can argue the exact opposite that many don't wan't a sales person knocking on their door. We hear that sentiment regularly. Realize that you're in an echochamber with your daily routine of working people responding to direct mail and there's a whole other segment of people who don't want someone in their home.But the reasons for failure in telesales are very obvious . Let's look at social media leads . No question lower income people on line 10 times more than even 5 yrs ago . So getting large amounts of leads is very easy . I'm in front of these clients 15-30 times each and every week . Most are super lonely and bored to tears . Many are online 5 hrs plus a day just clicking ad after ad . These people require face to face interaction to have any chance of success long term as far as retention goes .Whether it's fe or mapd .
I'm sure you replace a lot of telesales business. We replace a lot of f2f business. It's not the method of how someone buys that's the issue, it's the agent in the house or on the phone that's the real issue.