Final Expense for Newly Cancer Diagnosed

MoO is $36/mo for $10,000 face. 2 yr ROP +10%. I understand vantis is in the same ballpark.

AmCon's modified is $44/mo for $10,000. $126/mo for $30,000. It's not GI but they would take this person.

Chargeback period for AmCon and the DB payout for year 1, 2 and 3+ please?
Personally If this was a local case to me I would refer them to my Funeral director buddy. If you want to write them contact Brad Aden (360) he has Vantis and also a pre need plan he maybe able to help you with.

So preneed plans are considered fully paid as soon as the client makes 1 pmt if they pass?? I thought there was a "wait time" before they would be fully paid in.
So preneed plans are considered fully paid as soon as the client makes 1 pmt if they pass?? I thought there was a "wait time" before they would be fully paid in.

They all have 70% coverage at 12-months and 1-day. Some of them have 35% coverage at 6-months and 1-day. Non-contestable, fully GI.
Someone told me, that with Kemper you only need the person to sign in the state your licensed in, even if they are from another state?

Secondly, does Kemper use the same application with every state? I know rates will vary.