Final Expense Leads

Cross selling.
Yeah, I go for every line in the household. Auto too! Can't afford to be specialized when you're not on a lead program. I'm specialized though. In personal lines! You got to take everything you can get! Used to work well as a "find the money" strategy! Back when you could actually save people money on their auto insurance. The Gecko isn't singing that tune anymore! I hear the Caveman's making a comeback though!
Fe's about getting in 30-45 mins and out . Repeat that 5-8 times a day 3-5 days a week . You rarely here from the person ever again . Hell I bet 75% of the beneficiaries call the company directly with death claims . Probably different with Jd as he delivers his policys and has a business card in the policy or some type of contact info . That's much better as you can sell additional during claim time by providing service . But for the great many agents fe is a transactional sale . That's why 3 plus yrs ago I made the uturn to medicare . Sure the service work is non stop at times . But it brings loyalty and long term crazy income ( as long as Medicare here ) . I sell a lot of life and hospital plans off Medicare clients . For me it's the best move I ever made . 6 fig renewals every month like clock work on the 3rd week of the month mostly . I'm sure Jd has very good renewals selling at a high level for so many yrs . But few few fe agents ever attain those long term renewals like him .
Looking to build my company sponsored lead base with a third party. I've tried a few that didn't work out. Looking for quality not quantity leads. Anyone have a positive experience with any Lead company?
Hey Mike,
Happy to throw my hat into the ring to be a leads provider.
DK Solutions only does direct mail. If interested, shoot me a message and I'd be more than happy to share with you some of our stats from our latest drops.
Depends on what IMO you are working with. Some have relationships with lead vendors. If a lone wolf it's hard to go wrong with TLC.
JD- Do you have the website for TLC? When I looked it up, it appears their name has changed?
Chris the most honest and accessible direct mail lead vendor in the business .
I agree, he's a good dude. But I haven't found may vendors that weren't. Brady at NAL is a good guy. Everyone I ever spoke with at RGI were top notch. MSPM was good people. Been many years since I dealt with them.

The Lead Jerk was a trip!:1wink:
Chris the most honest and accessible direct mail lead vendor in the business .
Who is FEX using ? Still using RGI ? What happened to that relationship? Too expensive ?

Are they using a print company now ?
Who is FEX using ? Still using RGI ? What happened to that relationship? Too expensive ?

Are they using a print company now ?
Most of there agents are using a Walmart gift card survey lead . I actually had a copy of it . It's got about 10 questions on it and to get the gift card " fill out all the questions " it's drawing 2-3% . But again many dirt poor broke people just wanting the gift card filling out . But you can sell some mapd off it . I think all of us have run the Walmart gift card leads . I personally never liked them . Hell if your going to do that run the Nasb $5 " if you fill this card out " lead . Several vendors are running these type leads now as the costs of direct mail have risen big . Some agents just want raw high returns.