fire department???

North Carolina is a mystery to me for protection classes. In CA, protection class is rated on 3 things:
1. Responding fire department. If its the county and not the city, I think the believe is the house burns to the ground.
2. Distance to fire department. Anything over 5 miles is pretty much deemed it will burn to the ground.
3. Is there water? Fire hydrant within a 1000 feet is the best answer, anything else becomes a battle or expensive because without water, well, the house is going to burn to the ground.

I assume it is similar in North Carolina, but you probably have more water available, such as a pond or lake. It still has to be within a 1000 feet or the fire truck probably doesn't have enough hose.

Given distance to fire department and I'll assume lack of water handy, I'm sure you are at a minimum of a PC of 8, perhaps 9 or 10.

The only thing worse is the fire department is over 15 miles away. Then it not only burns to the ground but it takes the neighbors house (if one exists) along with it.
I think 12 miles is the furthest I have seen, but in this case the house was actually closer to a neighboring fire district station. Still we have to go by what department they are actually in.
are some carriers more flexible with protection class...i.e. rating as a 5 even though it's a 9? I have seen a specific carrier do this, and I am not sure if it's the carrier that's ok is it or if it's a sales tactic by the agent driven by sales.
I know of one agent who carried a fire hydrant around in the back of his car (20 years ago). Every client he had was within 1000 feet of "his" fire hydrant when he took the pictures for the file.

This guy also pocketed the premiums AND did the claim work for his clients. I think either a tornado or a hurricane did him in. He couldn't cover all the repairs.

The "shady-ness" of some agents never ceases to amaze me.
Oh man, that makes this business seem so impossible when there isn't an even playing ground. No way could we ever get a protection class 5 for this country area...when a house catches fire it burns to the ground since it takes so long for the fire departments to respond. Thanks form responding :)