Common Sense Ins
New Member
- 7
This is a very important question for a first year Medicare agent. We all ask ourselves, from time to time, how well am I really doing in this business? I suggest we take what others tell us about their success with a "grain of salt". Don't worry too much about what others are producing as long as you have vision and belief. In my estimation, 40 is a good start. Good job! Be patient with yourself, be consistent with working at it everyday and service your book, especially during AEP! Keeping and retaining the book is key in my view and good business sense. As your book grows, so will referrals!!! Always, Always, Always put your Medicare members needs first...before personal needs, carrier wants or governmental pressure. Before you know it, you're 40 per year will be 65 and then 80 per year. In 10-12 years, you will have at least 600 on the books. Do the math! Good Luck!